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  Why did the lamb feast with the Pharisees?
Why did Paul go to Rome and Corinth?
Why did God stay with Zacchaeus?
Why did Jesus come to earth?
Why did this Christian go to a circular party?
Why did she dance -although respectably?
What a hypocrite.

Every Sunday we go worship.
Twice a week, we gather for the word.
Every other day- socializing with ourselves.
Then, where do we meet the unsaved?
Did Paul not say for the sake of many
He became like them?
I am happy they saw her in their mist.
Because her presence and actions
Made them think and ask-
What is she doing among us?
Believe it or not she sowed
And may God make them grow.

The earth is a gathering of unbelievers.
It is not a sin that you were born into it,
Or that you are present in it
But it is the way you conduct yourself in it.
In what ever you say, think and do
Wherever you are- Represent
The one you were called to represent
Before the foundation of the universe.


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                                                AIMIUWU, EHIMWENMA.E.U. SEP '95.