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Ado of Onitsha



Dear Edo:

Recently, I got to know that the immigrants for the Great Benin Empire who founded Onitsha still regard themselves as Edos. Of course the Ibo man has corrupted the word Edo as Ado. They are now referred to Onitsha Ado. The late Dr. Azikwe was an Onitsha Ado; and according to my source, that was the single reason the Ibos felt he was not their flesh and blood.

am also very confused about the Edo people of Japan. Just log into Barnes and Noble bookstore site and request for "Edo" anything. It will be one-zillion-and-one books in your face -- all about the Edo of Japan. They even have our names. I am from Okada, and they have Okada as their name too. Surprise, surprise people!!!

I just wanted to share this story with you as we begin to discover more of our past. Please remember that "to be an Edo is to believe in your past." Your past has a smell of greatness and you should never lose sight of it. For further information about our people, the people of Onitsha-Edo, please visit their website: http://www.Onitshaado.com.


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