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Brother Ehimwenma,

If you read the posting I sent to you titled TEACH YOURSELF GUOSA LANGUAGE, I am sure you will no doubt understand the full meaning of the Guosa Language. Therefore, let me address the issue of WAZOBIA, to save time.

In 1950s, when the 'Redifussion' or house-to-house Radio speaker boxes were introduced into Nigeria by the then Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation, the Federal Government of Nigeria was finding a way to disseminate the News broadcasts by duly translating it into the various indigenous Nigerian languages so as to get to the grass roots. Therefore, they decided to translate the hourly News bulletins into about nine different Nigerian languages, namely: Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Edo, Efik, Kanuri, Fulfulde, Izon, Tiv respectively. This was very cumbersome as it took lots of minutes or hour to end the vernacular news broadcast and most other non language speakers were not interested listening to other languages no sooner theirs was translated.


Consequently, when the Military men came into power, they decided and spruned the number of languages down from nine to just three, namely: Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba languages only and tagged it "WAZOBIA", meaning: "Wa" (come) in Yoruba language; "Zo" (come) in the Hausa language; and, "Bia" which also meant (come) in Igbo language respectively. In other words, (come, come, come), i.e. it was a matter of everyone wanting to speak and be silence at the same time - how stupid! The name WAZOBIA was given by the late talented musician - Roy Chicago.

And then Nigeria embarked on radio and television translation of news in what they called the three major languages, and sent all the other languages into the cooler, for them to groan and get lost, as if the country did not belong to them as well. This single action is what has led the country into its present doom of the "Federal Character syndrome", (you must come from any of those three major languages and ethnic groups) to be heard, recognized and given reasonable political appointment no matter your talent and accredited professionalism!

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It was in the light of these and several other reasons that I decided to improve or develop Guosa - the language of my vision to save Nigeria now and in the future. Guosa is a scientific and artistic evolution and integtration of all the languages and dialects to be found in Nigeria as a unified lingua franca (National Language). A lot of tribal and ethnic sentiments will be relgated to the background when we can speak one monogenous national language at home and abroad.

I hope I answsered your question, if not feel free to ask more.

Yours very sincerely

Alex Igbineweka
Guosa Language Evolutionist.