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First Nigerian coach to handle a European club
  Eguavoen eyes German Bundesliga
By Ben Alaiya



Former Super Eagles Captain, Austine Eguavoen says he may soon leave Malta to take up coaching job in Mainland Europe.

"Cerezo" as the hard tackling defender is fondly called, says his target is Germany, Italy or Spain and he is sure to get a good offer if he maintains his present coaching pedigree.

It would be recalled that Eguavoen led his Maltese clubside, Selima Wanderers to a second place position in the just ended national league in that country as coach/player. Though, he still has two years contract left with the club, the former Kortrijt of Belgium star said he would not mind moving to a more lucrative club and country if the offer comes.


"I have played 11 years for the Super Eagles, captained the team and done well in Europe, what I want to achieve now is a super coaching career to make my football career totally fulfilled," he said. Eguavoen, who is the first Nigerian coach to handle a European club, said he’s been having a swell time in Malta and if he remains there he hopes to win the Maltese league title in the coming season.

On rumours making the rounds that he’s been tipped to assist in tinkering the Olympic team for Sydney 2000, he said he has not been officially notified, but will not fail to honour it if he’s called for national duties.

"I have no other country, but Nigeria and if they say I should come and help my fatherland you can be sure that I will jump at the offer," he declared.


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