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Obama: His Purpose to America and the World
By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu
July 26, 2008


We are at a point where the will, the need, and the attitude of the world are turning away from the old order towards a new way of seeing things.  The world is tired of economic oppression, racial discrimination, religious bigotry, war, and political propagandas.  The world is yearning for a rejected stone that will become the cornerstone.  They are ready to celebrate and bring out the jewel that has been put in the garbage for too long and covered in lies, myths, and economic propagandas.  For the first time in American and global history in modern times, all of America, Europe, and the rest of the world are coming out in record numbers to celebrate the historic turnaround for progressive change, truth, and a genuine taste of freedom in President Obama. 

The old order, which represents the Bush family and the Republicans, have been rejected by the humble cries for peace, fairness, and tolerance.  See the way the Americans, Arabs, Palestinians, Jews, Africans, and Europeans are certifying that Obama is the new President of world through the corridors of America.  He is given more attention than Kings, Queens, the Pope, and Presidents put together.  A human of African descent (father) and a representation of slavery and inferiority is about to be a President of a country that profited from slavery more than any other.   This is not only true change, but also the audacity of hope shining through humanity to bring the peace and harmony mankind truly deserves. 



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