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Edo Language Made Easy CD 1


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Edo Language Made Easy CD 2


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Edo Language Made Easy CD 3


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3 Edo Language Made Easy CDs & 1 Edofolks Book

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3 Edo Language Made Easy CDs & One Motivational CD

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3 Edo Language Made Easy CDs & 3 Edofolks Books
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or to order books separately

It has over 30 minutes of language exercise and contains over 100 words and 30 sentences.  It translates each word and sentence into English

The Retail Price: $15.00 and $5.00 (Shipping & Taxes)

Total price : $20.00

It has over 35 minutes of language exercise and contains over 150 words and 40 sentences.  It translates each word and sentence into English

The Retail Price: $15.00 and $5.00 (Shipping & Taxes)

Total price : $20.00

It has over 40 minutes of language exercise and contains over 200 words and 50 sentences.  It translates each word and sentence into English

The Retail Price: $15.00 and $5.00 (Shipping & Taxes)

Total price : $20.00

It has over 100 minutes of language exercise and contains over 450 words and 120 sentences

The book titled "Living with a peace of mind" is an inspirational book that discusses the 9 steps towards achieving success despite a bad economy from an African and Biblical perspective

Actual Price: 3 CDs ($45.00), 1 Book ($10.00), and Shipping & Taxes ($20.00). Total of $75.00

20% Discount
Total price : $


It has over 100 minutes of language exercise and contains over 450 words and 120 sentences

You should include one of the motivational CDs below with your order

Actual Price: 4 CDs ($60.00), and Shipping & Taxes ($20.00).  Total of $80.00

15% Discount
Total price : $68.00


The book titled "The political and spiritual purpose of the Holy Land" address the ultimate solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, and the United States-Iraqi war from an African and Biblical perspective.

The book titled "A calabash never sinks" talks about what international students experience in American colleges

The book "living with a peace of Mind", and the 3 Edo Language CDs are also included in this package. 

Actual Price: 3 CDs ($45.00), 3 Books ($30.00), and Shipping & Taxes ($30.00).  Total of $105.00

30% Discount
Total price : $73.50


How To Use A Credit Card And Erase All Debts

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How To Be An Excellent Student

Click on image to enlarge

How To Find A
Good Wife

Click on image to enlarge

3 Motivational CDs
& 1 Edofolks Book



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3 Motivational CDs
& 3 Edo Language CDs


Click on each image to enlarge
3 Motivational CDs,
3 Edo Language CDs, &
3 Edofolks Books

Click on each image to enlarge
or to order books separately

It has 5 strategic steps on how a credit card can eliminate all your debts in a short time and turn you into an entrepreneur with absolutely no debt. 

The Retail Price: $15.00 and $5.00 (Shipping & Taxes)

Total price : $20.00

It has 6 beneficial habits you must acquire that will transform you into an excellent student and a successful business person.

The Retail Price: $15.00 and $5.00 (Shipping & Taxes)

Total price : $20.00

It has 6 laws you must abide by in order to acquire the good wife you have always wished and prayed for.

The Retail Price: $15.00 and $5.00 (Shipping & Taxes)

Total price : $20.00

The 3 CDs will show you how to use a credit card and erase all debts, how to be an excellent student, and how to find a good wife.

The book titled "Living with a peace of mind" is an inspirational book that discusses the 9 steps towards achieving success despite a bad economy from an African and Biblical perspective

Actual Price: 3 CDs ($45.00), 1 Book ($10.00), and Shipping & Taxes ($20.00). Total of $75.00

20% Discount
Total price : $

The 3 Edo language CDs has over 100 minutes of language exercise and contains over 450 words and 120 sentences

The 3 motivational CDs will show you how to use a credit card and erase all debts, how to be an excellent student, and how to find a good wife.

Actual Price: 3 CDs ($45.00), 3 Books ($30.00), and Shipping & Taxes ($30.00).  Total of $105.00

30% Discount
Total price : $73.50


The book titled "The political and spiritual purpose of the Holy Land" address the ultimate solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, and the United States-Iraqi war from an African and Biblical perspective.

The book titled "A calabash never sinks" talks about what international students experience in American colleges

The book "living with a peace of Mind", 3 Edo Language CDs, and the 3 motivational CDs are also included in this package. 

Actual Price: 6 CDs ($90.00), 3 Books ($30.00), and Shipping & Taxes ($45.00).  Total of $165.00

about 40% Discount
Total price : $100.00

We ship to any country in the world after payment is received. 
You should receive your order within 2-10 days if you reside in the USA and within 7-14 days if you reside outside the USA.


Money Order /
Money Transfer
Cash Payment


Email: Info@edofolks.com

Access Bank

Account Name: Ehimwenma Aimiuwu
Naira: 0030322194
US Dollar: 0030327254

Please send an e-mail titled "Edofolks Payment" to info@edofolks.com  to confirm your deposit amount, place your order, provide name and mailing address, phone number, and give exact date of deposit.  Thanks.

For bulk purchases above $100, please make a one-time payment by clicking on the button below, enter the amount, and list your orders. Thanks.


Edo to English Dictionary

English MW N O O P R RH RR S T U V VB W Y Z