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2022 Baby Names of the Edo People of Nigeria

Edo names for babies are unusually unisex.  The meaning of the names given to babies are usually based on what the family or parents were going through during the period of the child's pregnancy.  Many babies are named to remind the family or parents about their condition on earth during the child's pregnancy.  Some babies are named to carry the blessings and joy of the situation, while others are named to reverse the sad situations surrounding the pregnancy. 

"Abieyuwa" for instance means "born into prosperity".  A child bearing this name could have been born during the time when the family or parents made a lot of money or got promoted in social status.  It could also be the reverse, but the child is given that name to make sure that the rest of his or her life is better than how he or she came into the world.   

Despite the fact that most names are unisex by nature, there are very few reserved for either males or females only.  There are two kinds of unisex names.  There are those usually bore by males and those usually bore by females. 

Main Most Popular
Edo Names
Edo Names
Edo Names usually
bore by males
Edo Names usually
bore by females