June 27, 2020
What is the use of AI in law enforcement?
Seattle University Law Review (SULR, 2017) defines Artificial Intelligence (AI) as technologies used to improve police work or replace it over time and AI can predict where crime will take place in the future and those who are at high risk. According to the National Institute of Justice (2019), AI is the ability of machine to perform intelligence predictions and decision making tasks without human involvement through self-learning algorithms from pattern recognition over time.How can AI be used to hire police?
in AI should be able to predict the pattern of personalities and behaviors of police officers that may be abusive towards the poor and minorities in order to deny them justice. This should help to prevent the hire of such individuals into the police force, know the officers to monitor closely for harassment, and keep a police registry of officers to update the machine learning of the AI systems to prevent police brutality. Deviant Behavior (2017) states that blacks are 37% of the prison population, which is trice their percentage in the American population. This is a miscarriage of justice!!!How can AI be used to select judges?
AI should also be able to find predictive patterns in the way that judges sentence minorities and the poor. According to the Department of Justice (2018), black male incarceration rate is 5.8 times that of white males while black females were 1.8 times the rate of white females. Judges who are biased in their sentencing should be retrained and warned once, but should be removed from the bench if it continues or the judges fits the AI’s prediction of unfair personalities and behaviors for judges. Judges are to enforce justice regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or religion.
What are some setbacks of AI in law enforcement?
Some setbacks of AI systems are hidden biases that are in the design based on biased policing data, which can lead to flawed AI predictions (SULR, 2017). To avoid these biases in AI systems, all AI decisions should be based on a machine learning prediction for white male in a similar situation. If a decision for a white male is to give the police his information and forfeit the counterfeit money before going home, that should have been the same decision for George Floyd. Justice should and must always be blind!!!