2025 Baby Names - Boy Names & Girl Names
Edo and Nigerian Names and Meaning common in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
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This page is dedicated to people who want to give their children or give themselves an African or Edo name. These names are Edo baby names, Edo girl names, and Edo boy names, but adults can also bear them (adults were once babies, girls, and boys too….Gosh!). Edo baby names, Edo girl names, and Edo boy names are usually a blessing or prayer for the bearer throughout life. The meaning of each of the Edo baby names, Edo girl names, and Edo boy names is provided. Understanding Edo baby names, Edo girl names, and Edo boy names will be useful while giving the right name to your child. Enjoy our Edo baby names, Edo girl names, and Edo boy names.

To understand how to read the Edo names below, you must also understand the Edo alphabet structure. In the Edo language of Nigeria, there are 32 alphabets. It consists of 7 vowels, 17 single consonants, and 8 double consonants. Two of the vowels (E & O) usually have a dot underneath them, but they are underlined on this site.

7 Vowels 17 Single Consonants 8 Double Consonants
Asounds like the first letter ofApple Bsounds like the first letter ofBell GBsounds like the first two letters ofGBig
Esounds like the first letter ofAble Dsounds like the first letter ofDark GHsounds like the first two letters ofGHail
Esounds like the first letter ofEgg Fsounds like the first letter ofFell KHsounds like the first letter ofKin
Isounds like the first letter ofEve Gsounds like the first letter ofGear KPsounds like the first two letters ofKPiano
Osounds like the first letter ofOver Hsounds like the first letter ofHello MWsounds like the first  letter ofVim
Osounds like the first letter ofOrgan Ksounds like the first letter ofKettle RHsounds like the first two letters ofRoof
Usounds like the first letter ofWho Lsounds like the first letter ofLake RRsounds likeRR
    Msounds like the first letter ofMe VBsounds like the first letter ofVote
    Nsounds like the first letter ofNeck    
    Psounds like the first letter ofPear    
    Rsounds like the first letter ofRan    
    Ssounds like the first letter ofSo    
    Tsounds like the first letter ofTune    
    Vsounds like the first letter ofVent    
    Wsounds like the first letter ofWell    
    Ysounds like the first letter ofYou    
    Zsounds like the first letter ofZenith   

The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

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Edo Baby Names: