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Chewing Stick
Chewing stick, also known as organic toothbrush or teeth cleaning twig, is a great tool for dental hygiene. This means that you can be the “dentist near me” (you as your own dentist). It takes about 10-15 minutes to get a clean mouth and it gets to every part of the mouth. Organic toothbrush is used like a mop to clean each tooth at a time (front, back, under), as well as the gum lines and in between each tooth. Teeth cleaning twig basically takes the place of a floss, tongue scrapper, toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash for your dental needs.
The chewing stick also lasts for about a month, it is made from a tree branch, and helps to sustain the environment from unnecessary carbon emission in producing modern dental cleaners. Organic toothbrush prevents gingivitis, plague, cavity, bad breadth, and keeps teeth white. The stick has to be chewed first at the tip until it is soft and ready for use as a tooth mop. You are the “dentist near me” and real dentists will admire you whenever you visit them because they will love and appreciate your dental hygiene.
Those interested in environmental sustainability, green energy, as well as winning the fight against cavities and dental problems should see this as a strategy of living a green friendly lifestyle.
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We can ship African chewing stick to you for just $20.00 for 10 sticks (packaging, shipping, and taxes included).
Lets take a stand for cleaner mouths and teeth!!! Embrace natural dental and cavity solutions!!!
Help Sustain the Environment in every way!!!
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Living With A Peace of Mind
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Price : $15.00
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Account Name: Ehimwenma Aimiuwu
Naira: 0030322194
US Dollar: 0030327254
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You should receive your order within 2-10 days if you reside in the USA and within 7-14 days if you reside outside the USA.
Author: Professor Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu
Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Edofolks Inc (December 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0-9791244-0-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-9791244-0-2
Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.3 x 0.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 4 ounces
About the Book
This book is for students in high school and university, who are preparing to become independent young adults or youths who are tired of moving from one aspect of life to another without any definite direction on where to go or what to accomplish in life. It is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.
Are you living without a peace of mind and falling short of your expectations? Do you feel unhappy, depressed, and unfulfilled in the way your life is heading? Do you sometimes feel that you made the wrong choices and decisions to be where you are today? Are you wondering how to turn around without shame and loss of time, as well as be able to get right back on track? Then, this book was written especially for you. It will reveal to you where you need to be and what you need to focus your time as well as energy on in order to live a fulfilled life here on earth.
Today, your life has already been turned around just by holding this book. After you have applied all the steps and strategies towards “living with a peace of mind”, you will not only add and build value to your life, but also, people will come to seek you for guidance in finding their own purpose and destiny on this earth. Congratulations on your success in finding your purpose towards serving others.
Understanding who you really are
Have courage to take the necessary steps
Determination to stay on your path
Confidence to appreciate the steps you have taken
Respect for others who are different
Be truthful towards yourself
Be tactful as you move towards your goal
You must add value to your life
Utilize every opportunity for accomplishment
About the Author
Professor Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu (Ehi) is married with two children and God has revealed to him that his purpose on earth is to write books and speak at churches as well as schools. His aim is to uplift people and to encourage them to find and fulfill their destiny as well as their purpose on earth in exchange of income.
His education includes a Ph.D. in Management with a concentration in Information Systems from Walden University in Minnesota, USA. He also has a Bachelors of Arts in Anthropology and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in Management Information Systems, both from Kent State University in Ohio, USA.
Prof. Aimiuwu teaches in the Masters of Science – Information Technology Management program at a private university in the USA and has worked as a manager for various companies in corporate America. Ehi has also taught grade school math and science, as well as information system courses in colleges in the USA. He is the proud author of two previous books, which are “The Political and Spiritual Purpose of the Holy Land” and “A Calabash Never Sinks”.
As of 2021, he has published 21 peer-reviewed academic publications in the area of Information Systems and has written over 60 articles in newspapers in Africa, Asia, USA, and the Caribbean. Ehi has also had the pleasure of appearing on the African Treasures TV program on the Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters Channel, WRFG (89.3 FM) – Radio Free Georgia, and some magazines in the Atlanta Area.
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The Political and Spiritual Purpose of the Holy Land
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Price : $17.50
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Account Name: Ehimwenma Aimiuwu
Naira: 0030322194
US Dollar: 0030327254
Please send an e-mail titled “Edofolks Payment” to info@edofolks.com to confirm your deposit amount, place your order, provide name and mailing address, and give exact time and date of deposit. Thanks.
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You should receive your order within 2-10 days if you reside in the USA and within 7-14 days if you reside outside the USA.
Author: Professor Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu
Paperback: 188 pages
Publisher: 1st Books Library (November 6, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1410794741
ISBN-13: 978-1410794741
Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 5.5 x 0.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.5 ounces
About the Book
This textbook is a biblical solution to the Jewish-Islamic conflict in the Middle East. It discusses God’s choice of the Holy Land, God’s genuine agreement with Abraham, and God’s vision and plan for Israel, Palestinians, Africans, and all peoples.
No religious and Middle-Eastern scholar or researcher in any of our prestigious universities in the United States has disputed the claims and theories in this book, despite the fact that many have received copies of the book, postcards, and e-mails on the issue. A solution from this book was also sent to President Bush of the United States and Secretary-General Kofi Annan of the United Nations, and they both responded.
The textbook will encourage class discussions and thought-provoking debates based on biblical principal and verses. It will change and enhance how students understand the bible towards making better decisions for self and community. The purpose of this book is to encourage all people to understand God’s scriptures and always seek peace and fairness by eliminating all forms of prejudices and discriminations.
What is the Holy Land?
Who Owns the Holy Land?
The Ethnic Peoples of the Holy Land
The Semites and the Hamish
The Difference between God’s Promise of Land and Seed to Abraham
The Culture, Language, & Academia of the Seed
The Race of the Seed
The Looting of Ham
The Solution to Peace in all of the Holy Land
About the Author
Professor Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu (Ehi) is married with two children and God has revealed to him that his purpose on earth is to write books and speak at churches as well as schools. His aim is to uplift people and to encourage them to find and fulfill their destiny as well as their purpose on earth in exchange of income.
His education includes a PhD in Management with a concentration in Information Systems from Walden University in Minnesota. He also has a Bachelors of Arts in Anthropology and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in Management Information Systems, both from Kent State University in Ohio.
Prof. Aimiuwu teaches in the Masters of Science – Information Technology Management program at a private university in the USA and has worked as a manager for various companies in corporate America. Ehi has also taught grade school math and science, as well as information system courses in colleges in the USA. He is the proud author of two previous books, which are “The Political and Spiritual Purpose of the Holy Land” and “A Calabash Never Sinks”.
As of 2021, he has published 21 peer-reviewed academic publications in the area of Information Systems and has written over 60 articles in newspapers in Africa, Asia, USA, and the Caribbean. Ehi has also had the pleasure of appearing on the African Treasures TV program on the Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters Channel, WRFG (89.3 FM) – Radio Free Georgia, and some magazines in the Atlanta Area.
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A Calabash Never Sinks
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The Retail Price: $8.25 + $5.00 Shipping
Total price : $13.25
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Send email to: Info@edofolks.com
Nigerian & African Customers:
Use Access Bank
Account Name: Ehimwenma Aimiuwu
Naira: 0030322194
US Dollar: 0030327254
Please send an e-mail titled “Edofolks Payment” to info@edofolks.com to confirm your deposit amount, place your order, provide name and mailing address, and give exact time and date of deposit. Thanks.
We ship to any country in the world after we receive payment.
You should receive your order within 2-10 days if you reside in the USA and within 7-14 days if you reside outside the USA.
Author: Professor Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu
- Paperback: 60 pages
- Publisher: AuthorHouse (October 7, 2004)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 141849514X
- ISBN-13: 978-1418495145
- Product Dimensions: 8 x 5 x 0.1 inches
- Shipping Weight: 2.6 ounces
About the Book
The textbook discusses the social, political, economic, and cultural challenges international students go through in American colleges. It focuses on sexual, religious, cultural, and social conflicts in a drama like fashion. It also addresses how to understand international students, interact with foreign exchange students, and the problems international students face. The textbook will be a good material for class discussion and debate about international studies, international relations, cross-cultural relations, and comparative politics.
The purpose of the book is to open the eyes of international students who want to study abroad about issues they need to be prepared for in foreign colleges. It is also a psychological motivator to colleges, universities, and their international students offices about what international students go through and how to better accommodate their needs.
About the Author
Professor Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu (Ehi) is married with two children and God has revealed to him that his purpose on earth is to write books and speak at churches as well as schools. His aim is to uplift people and to encourage them to find and fulfill their destiny as well as their purpose on earth in exchange of income.
His education includes a PhD in Management with a concentration in Information Systems from Walden University in Minnesota. He also has a Bachelors of Arts in Anthropology and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in Management Information Systems, both from Kent State University in Ohio.
Prof. Aimiuwu teaches in the Masters of Science – Information Technology Management program at a private university in the USA and has worked as a manager for various companies in corporate America. Ehi has also taught grade school math and science, as well as information system courses in colleges in the USA. He is the proud author of two previous books, which are “The Political and Spiritual Purpose of the Holy Land” and “A Calabash Never Sinks”.
As of 2021, he has published 21 peer-reviewed academic publications in the area of Information Systems and has written over 60 articles in newspapers in Africa, Asia, USA, and the Caribbean. Ehi has also had the pleasure of appearing on the African Treasures TV program on the Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters Channel, WRFG (89.3 FM) – Radio Free Georgia, and some magazines in the Atlanta Area.
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3 Motivational CDs & 1 Free Edofolks Book
How to find a good wife:
6 laws you must abide by in order to acquire the good wife you have always wished for
How to be an excellent student:
6 beneficial habits you must acquire that will transform you into an excellent student
How to use a credit card and erase all debts:
5 strategic steps on how a credit card can eliminate all your debts in a short time
Actual Price: 3 CDs ($45.00), 1 Book ($10.00), and Shipping & Taxes ($20.00). Total of $75.00
20% Discount
Total price : $60.00
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3 Edo Language Made Easy CDs & 1 Free Edofolks Book
It has over 100 minutes of language exercise and contains over 450words and 120 sentences
It also explains the Edo alphabets and their pronunciations
It translates each word and sentence into English
Actual Price: 3 CDs ($45.00), 1 Book ($10.00), and Shipping & Taxes ($20.00). Total of $75.00
20% Discount
Total price : $60.00
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Email: Info@edofolks.com
Account Name: Ehimwenma Aimiuwu
Naira: 0030322194
US Dollar: 0030327254
Please send an e-mail titled “Edofolks Payment” to info@edofolks.com to confirm your deposit amount, place your order, provide name and mailing address, phone number, and give exact date of deposit. Thanks.