Edo Language Words: What is the Edo words for ...?
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Edo Words for Feeling

Glory = Uyi/Ute
Honor = Ọghọ
Love = Ahoẹmwọmwa (Ahoẹmwẹ-egbe)
Praise = Urhomwẹ
Character = Uyinmwẹ
Respect = Ekpẹn/Adaanegbe (Adaa)
Joy = Oghọghọ
Rejoice = Ọyẹnmwẹ
Charity = Ahoẹmwọmwa
Peace = Ọfunmwegbe
Lucky/Luck = Ọhẹ-udunmwuri

Edo Words for Religious Expression

Thanksgiving = Ekpọnmwẹn
Hope = Imuẹtinyan
Favor = Ọbọmwẹ /Ọhẹ
Grace = Ẹsọhẹ
Mercy is Itohan
Destiny = Ẹhi
Faith = Iyayi
Blessing = Afiangbe
God’s power = Ẹtinosa
God’s merciful = Osatohanmwẹn
Tenacious = Amadasun

Edo Words for Metals & Fashion

Diamond = Ẹkannewanna/Ẹkannewainwain
Crystal = Ekannughegbe
Jasper = Ikpokutanewainwain
Money = Igho
Gold = Oze
Silver = Asa
Bronze = Ẹrọnmwọn
Eyeglasses = Ughẹdẹ
Plain Glass = Ughenawain
Mirror Glass = Ughegbe
Coral Bead = Ekannẹzẹ
Bead = Ivie
Ring (for finger) = Oroka

God say = Ekhaguosa
Salvation = Imiẹfan
Nightmare = Oghidian
Fasting = Awẹ /ilọunu
Fire = Erhẹn
Endurance = Ọziegbe
Patience = Izinegbe (Iziegbe)
Life = Arrọọ /Aye
Eternity = Ọrọn
Believe = Yayi
Honesty = Uyinmwẹnọgbae
Truth = Ẹmwata
Wisdom = Ẹwaẹn
Goodness = Enoma

Edo Words for Direction

North = Ihan/Okuọ
East = Ekẹn
West = Orrie
South = Ahọ/Igie

Edo Words for Grammar Class

Name = Enni
Pronoun = Ataenni
Verb = Uta
Adjective = Uniaenni
Adverb = Uniauta
Preposition = Usuenni
Conjunction = Arrilo
Interjection = Esohie
Exercise = Esaasa
Revision = Erria

Edo Words for Colors

White = Enọfua/Ẹmu-nọfua
Red = Enọbaa/Ẹmu-nọbaa
Blue = Enọbii/Ẹmu-nobii
Black = Enekhui/Ẹmu-nekhui
Purple/Violet = Ẹmu-Arolẹ
Yellow = Ẹmu-isanowẹn
Green = Ẹmu-ebe
Brown = Ẹmu-ẹkẹn
Grey = Ẹmu-emuẹn
Pink = Ẹmu-ọyan
Orange = Ẹmu-itue
Indigo = Ẹmu-usie

Edo Words for Cooking & Meals

Water = Amẹ
Oil = Ẹvbi/Ofigbọn
Onions = Alubara
Pepper = Ẹhiẹn
Salt = Umwẹ /aguẹ

Edo Words for Animals & Insects

Crab = Ozi
Crayfish = Izenọfua
Tiger = Atalakpa
Sun fly = Ẹmunẹmunẹ
Grasshopper = Atete
Giant-grasshopper = Iriso
Cricket = Ọsẹlẹ (singular) Asẹlẹ (plural)
Fly = Ikian
Weevil = Oghogho
Tsetse fly = Udian
Mosquito = Imuẹn
Prawn = Enitan
Fish = Ehẹn
Lion = Oduma
Leopard = Ẹkpẹn
Hyena = Obidon
Cheetah = Edi
Dog = Ekita/Awa
Black Devouring Ants = Akala
Biting ant = Asaka
Shaking ant = Ọhẹn
Praying mantis = Ogolobiẹyẹn
Cockroach = Ẹhẹmwẹ
Yellow nectar ant = Afiankoi
Tiny ant = Iranmwẹ
Yellow tiny ant = Iranmwẹ-ebo

Edo Words for the Day and Weather

Sun = Owẹn
Moon = Uki
Star = Orhọnmwẹ
Thunder = Avannokhunmwu
Morning = Owiẹ
Afternoon = Avan
Noon = Ogiogio Avan
Evening = Ota
Twilight = Atauvbi
Sunset = Owẹn-de-okun/Owẹn-he-emota
Dawn = Orhiọmwẹ-Owiẹ
Night = Asọn
Midnight = Ogiasọn

The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

Need daily devotion materials for you and your family early in the morning or late at night? I used this daily at night to instruct my children about want I expect from them now and into the future. We pray about the devotional message to a higher power, which makes them feel that the expectation is an achievable goal. It is very good at helping you and your family stay focused in improving your quality of life and making better decisions. Always use this daily!

Edo Baby Names: