Daily Bible Chapters | November 11 | Romans 8 | Romans 9 | Romans 10 What Does the Bible say about God's Children being the Promise, not Israel?
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Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  –   Please LIKE us on Facebook

 Romans 8:

Those in Jesus are set free from the laws of sin and death because what the Law of Moses was powerless against have been resolved by the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus as a sin offering.  The Spirit of God in us by faith in Jesus then fulfill the righteous requirements of the lawThose who live according to the sinful nature hate God, do not acknowledge God, have a mind of death, and can never please God, but those who live according to the Spirit of God have life and peace because they acknowledge God and submit to God’s laws.  Only those who belief in Jesus Christ by faith have God’s Spirit in them and their body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is alive because of righteousness.  The Spirit of God in us is the Spirit of God’s children and when we pray to God as father is the Spirit testifying of God’s presence in us as co-heir  with Jesus.  The entire world is subject to human frustration of the sinful nature (wars, greed, unjust laws, & oppression of the poor) and awaits its liberation by God’s children.  The Spirit intercedes for us and searches our hearts desires to God.  God works all things for the benefit and goodness of God’s children, who are called for God’s purpose.  We are more than conquers because God is for us.  No one can be against us or separate us for the love of Jesus Christ.   

Romans 9:

Paul pities his fellow Jews that are still stuck under the meaningless Mosaic laws, temple worship, the patriarchs, and Jewish ancestries history.  It is not by the biological blood of Abraham that make us children of God, but rather, by the promise of God that makes us children of the promised one – Jesus Christ.  The promise was given before Abraham had a child, Isaac had twins and before they were born, God decided that Jacob will have the promise and not Esau.  So the Spirit and children of God does not belong to Israel or Abraham by blood, but ONLY those that have faith in God’s promise to Abraham – Jesus Christ.  So Christians must support the Bible and truth, NOT Israel.  God’s children has nothing to do with human heritage, blood, or works, but rather, God mercy on those who believe by faith in God’s promise.  It was God that intentionally hardened the heart of the African Pharaoh in order to used the enslaved African Jews to showcase God’s might for a helpless people against the world power – African Egypt (No one could tell the Egyptians from the Jews on African soil). It is God that choose God’s children that believes in the promise by faith in the resurrection of Jesus – according to prophets Hosea and Isaiah. The Jews pursued righteousness by works in following the law, but it is by faith in the promise to a childless Abraham (non-Jewish Gentile from Arabia who came to live in Africa by faith in God’s command).  God’s children are simply justified by faith!!! Nothing else!!!   

Romans 10:

Paul’s desire is for his people of Israel to be saved because their zeal for God is not based on the knowledge of the scriptures about what the prophets foretold about Jesus.  So the Jews claim of being God’s people is solely based on ignorance that is not of God’s righteousness, but their own.  Christ is the end of the law and Moses testifies that righteousness is by faith that confesses that Jesus is the Messiah and believe that God resurrected him from the dead. So any Jew that does not confess or believe this is not of God.  Even King David, Moses, and prophet Isaiah foretold that it will be the Gentiles that would seek God more than the Jews.  Christians need to focus on God and the Bible to be justified and righteous, and not the Jews.

The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

Need daily devotion materials for you and your family early in the morning or late at night? I used this daily at night to instruct my children about want I expect from them now and into the future. We pray about the devotional message to a higher power, which makes them feel that the expectation is an achievable goal. It is very good at helping you and your family stay focused in improving your quality of life and making better decisions. Always use this daily!

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