Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
1 Corinthians 10:
Even the old Israelites were baptized in Moses under the clouds and in the dead sea. They also ate spiritual food in the dessert and drank water from a spiritual rock, which was Christ. Yet, many got wasted in the dessert because God was not pleased with them. Many were idolaters, committed sexual sins that let to 23,000 deaths, others were bitten by snakes, while some were struck down by an angel. So Jewish faith in the law is meaningless. We must stand strong on Christ. God is faithful; no temptation is new to man and God will help us overcome temptation. Many take from one loaf and drink from one cup (Holy Communion in Christ). Food and drink done on alters are for demons. We cannot serve God and demons at the same time. We can do whatever, but not everything is meaningful. Eat whatever is legitimately food to you because it all come from God, but if it comes from a sacrifice, then do not eat because of observers’ conscience. Do things to the glory of God, but do not let others stumble because of your freedom.
1 Corinthians 11:
The head of Jesus Christ is God, while Christ is the head of man and man the head of woman. A man that prays or prophesizes with his head covered dishonors his head, while the woman who does same with her head uncovered dishonors her head (like being shaved). A man is the glory of God and a woman the glory of the man. So God demands that women are to marry and represent their husband, while husbands are to represent Christ to their family. Woman came out of man to serve man, while man was created for God to serve God. A woman’s covering of her head with a hat is actually her husband covering her spiritually. Everything came from God and we are all inter-dependent. Long hair is a disgrace to a man, but glory to a woman. This is God’s word and only teaching about how a home and community should be structured. Holy Communion is for all equally and should be conducted with honor. We are to judge ourselves before taking Jesus’ body and blood in honor for communion. Communion is actually a meal in the Bible, and not just one tiny bread with tiny cup of grape juice.
1 Corinthians 12:
There are many types of spiritual gifts from the same God and by the same Spirit of God. Some of them are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, powers, prophecy, distinguishing spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpreting tongues. All these spiritual gifts is from God’s Spirit and God gives it to whomever and whenever. We are many parts in one body of Christ and are inter-dependent. What affect one part of the body affect the whole body. We should earnestly desire one of these gifts.