Daily Bible Chapters | November 27 | Ephesians 5 | Ephesians 6 | Philippians 1 What Does the Bible say about How Employees and Employers are to Act at Work?
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Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  –   Please LIKE us on Facebook

 Ephesians 5:

Imitate God and live a life of love just as Jesus loved us enough to give himself up as a sacrifice to God. Shun greed, sexual immorality, foolish talk, inappropriate jokes, and various impurities because these are not of God or you will not inherit God’s kingdomDo not be deceived because God punishes those who are disobedient and we are to stay away from these people (regardless of how rich, powerful, and influential). Live as children of light in goodness, righteousness, and in truth that pleases God, but expose deeds of darkness and avoid them.  Be wise, speak in psalms and sing spiritual songs, and always give God thanksgiving in all things.  Wives are to submit to their husbands in all things and husbands are to love their wives to make her holy, blameless, and graceful.  The church is married to Christ, so the Church (wives) must respect Christ (husbands) as Christ loves the church.     

Ephesians 6:

Children are to honor their parents in order to live long on the earth, while parents are to bring up the children in the training and instruction of God. Slaves should serve their masters as if they are serving Christ wholeheartedly (attitude of employees at work) to win the masters’ favor.  Masters should treat their slaves the same because God does not discriminate between slave and free (employees and employers or government).  Wear the amour of God in order to withstand the devil’s schemes, which is not a human battle, but of rulers, authorities, powers of darkness, and spiritual evil forces in the heavenly realms.  Pray in the Spirit in all occasions with various kinds of prayers and requests to God.

Philippians 1:

Paul prays that we love and embrace knowledge , insight, and discernment of what is best and expected in God’s eyes through our faith in Jesus Christ.  Suffering for the goodness of God is a noble profession because it encourages others to speak truth and goodness of God. Some preach Christ out of rivalry and envy, but do it with love and not selfish ambition that brings division.  It is great to live for Christ but it is better to die in Christ to be with God.  Stand firm in your faith in Christ against all opposition because it brings physical and spiritual prosperity for eternal life.  We are to live for Christ, believe in Christ, and suffer with Christ.        

The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

Need daily devotion materials for you and your family early in the morning or late at night? I used this daily at night to instruct my children about want I expect from them now and into the future. We pray about the devotional message to a higher power, which makes them feel that the expectation is an achievable goal. It is very good at helping you and your family stay focused in improving your quality of life and making better decisions. Always use this daily!

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