Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
Acts 27:
Paul and other prisoners were handed to a centurion called Julius, a member of the Imperial Regiment, who was to sail them to Rome. On their way, Paul warned that the big storm would destroy the ship and lives, but the passengers, sailor, owners of the ship, and the centurion wanted to proceed. After they were unable to see the sun or stars for many days, Paul told the passengers that they should have taken his advice days earlier, but now must have the courage to press on. He also assured them that the ship will be lost, but all human life will be saved. Paul informed them that an angel from God stood beside him last night to inform him of this fact because he (Paul) will stand trial in Rome before Caesar. As the storm got worse, Paul instructed the passenger to eat well because they have been worried for the past two weeks and he reassured them that none will die. Paul took bread, prayed to God, and gave all 276 passengers to eat. They soon got stuck in the beach. The soldiers wanted to kill the prisoners so that none will escape, but the centurion wanted to spare Paul, so he ordered that some swim and other use planks to get to land. They were all saved. Like Paul, a child of God must rise above hopelessness and give hope to those around them that may listen. A child of God must not succumb to the fear of nature, water, soldiers, or death, but rather, proclaim victory till the very end regardless of current circumstance or future consequences.
Acts 28:
They landed on an island called Malta. As they made fire to keep warm, a viper (snake) tied itself around Paul’s hand as he gathered some brushwood. Some felt that Paul must have been a murderer to have the justice of the snake follow him to land after surviving a storm, but Paul throw the snake into the fire and was unharmed. So they now said that he was a god after staying alive for a while. Paul prayed and healed many sick people in the island before they headed for Rome. Many Christians traveled from afar to welcome Paul in Rome. Paul was very glad and was allowed to live by himself with a soldier to guard him. Paul requested the presence of the Jews in Rome and told them that the Jews brought charges against him in Judea despite the fact that he was supposed to be free from all charges. He had to appeal to Rome because the Jews wanted him dead despite the fact that he had neither violated the Jewish custom nor the Jewish people. They said to Paul that no letter was received from Judea that brought a charge against him, but they would like to hear his views about the Christ because many were speaking against Christians. Paul told them that Jesus was the Christ or Messiah straight from the Law of Moses and the prophets. The Jews began to leave when Paul reminded them from the book of prophet Isaiah (6:9-10) that the Jews will never understand, listen, or perceive the Christ, so God’s Salvation was for the Gentiles.
Romans 1:
Paul introduced himself as an apostle that is set aside solely for the gospel of God (Jesus), which was prophesized by the prophet from old in the Holy Scriptures, as the son of David, and as the Son of God who resurrected from the dead. Paul calls all the Gentile to come to the obedience of God that comes from faith through God and Jesus Christ. Paul dedicates himself to the Gentiles and showed that he is not ashamed of the gospel. Paul assures all that those who use their wickedness to suppress the truth of God shall be punished by God because God’s divine nature is exposed to all and none is without excuse. Humans always knew God, but they preferred to ignore God nor glorify him. Instead, people chose to replace God with hand-made idols (money & precious metal of various images). It was because of their sinful desires that God gave people over to homosexuality – to see same sex as normal. Since the knowledge of God was irrelevant to them, God gave them deprived minds to do what was forbidden by nature. These people and their supporters deserve death by God decree. They are senseless, faithless, ruthless, heartless, event ways to do evil, and disobey their parents’ teachings.