Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
Jeremiah 51:
God will stir up an destroyer against Babylon for the way they have enslaved his people. Flee out of Babylon and do not be destroyed with it. Babylon used to be God’s gold cup, but it got the whole world drunk with madness. God was going to repay Babylon for her evil and where their citizens are without wisdom and the the goldsmith is shamed by his idol. Babylon is to rise no more after this destruction.
Jeremiah 52:
It was because of Zedekiah, king of Judah, that God sent Judah into Babylonian slavery. So one bad leader can destroy a whole nation. Please elect your leaders and representatives wisely.
Lamentations 1:
A great and mighty people have now become the slaves. Her lovers left her, friends betrayed her, and they have become her enemies (A poor or fallen man has no friends). Judah’s foes have become her master and her children go into exile.