Daily Bible Verses | December 10 | Hebrews 8 | Hebrews 9 | Hebrews 10 New Testament Teaches that God Accepts Human Sacrifice
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 Hebrews 8:

Jesus is a high priest set up in the heavenly place on the right side of God’s throne by God, not by man.  High priest make offerings on behalf of self and the people on earth at the sanctuary and that is why God told Moses to make sure that he was careful to build the sanctuary as a replica to the one in heavenThe offering of Jesus as high priest was more superior to that of Moses and the Jewish law.  Jesus was the sacrifice for all, yet was sinless as the mediator between God and man, and he was founded on an eternal promise.  God found fault with the Jews under the Jewish laws that he replaced the covenant of the Jewish law with the covenant of the faith in JesusProphet Jeremiah testifies that God will give the Jews a new covenant where no one has to teach their neighbor, but all will know God by faith (hearts and minds) and sins will be forgivenSo holding on to or support for Judaism and not the faith in Jesus Christ means that you are still living under a curse or sin.

Hebrews 9:

The Jewish covenant with Moses had an earthly sanctuary built by human hands and had rules for worship.  The first room was the Holy Place and had consecrated bread, a lampstand, and a table.  The second room was the Most Holy Place that had the Ark of the Covenant, which held manna (Jewish food in the desert while leaving Egypt), Aaron’s budded staff (God used it to choose him as first priest of Israel), and the 10 commandments of Moses (Foundation of Jews laws).  All priests enter the first room to minister, but only the high priest enters the second room annually with animal blood sacrifice on behalf of his sins and that of the masses.  These were just food and drinks for ceremonies washings that did not cleanse the conscience of the Jewish worshippersJesus enter the heavenly place with his own blood and he did it once and for all for the forgiveness of sin, not annuallyThere is no forgiveness of sin without sacrifice of blood.  Jesus will come a second time not to bear sacrificial sins of the world, but to bring salvation to those who believe by faith in his earthly death and heavenly resurrection as a way of life. 

Hebrews 10:

The Jewish law was just a shadow of God’s reality to come.  If the Jewish law was God’s perfection, we would not need animal blood sacrifices annually to be cleanse off our sinsKing David even testified in Psalms that God was never pleased with animal blood for sacrifices, so Jesus offered himself as a human sacrificeSo the ancient kingdoms (Benin & Roman) that believed in human scarifies as the ultimate sacrifice were not wrong even in God’s eyesGod even told Abraham to sacrifice his son, IsaacAbraham saw nothing wrong with it and was going to sacrifice his only son of God’s promise until an angel stopped him.  Let us hold on to the faith of the second, final, and perfect sacrifice of God that was done once and is now seated on the right side of God’s heavenly throne awaiting the destruction of the godless and the unfaithful in the perfect covenant of faith.  Meet regularly and encourage each other in the faith in Jesus Christ.  

The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

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