Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
Hebrews 11:
Faith is certainty about what you hope for and cannot see, but believe will come to pass. Faith is believing that God made the visible universe from what was invincible. By faith, Abel offered a better gift than Cain and spoke to God after death. By faith, God commended Enoch as blameless and was taken away alive by God without experiencing death. By faith, Noah believed the flood would come despite the fact that there was nothing like rain yet, and built an ark to save his family. By faith, Abraham left his home to a distant land to live as an immigrant, which he and his descendants later inherited as the promised land. Abraham by faith believe that he will have a son (Isaac) in his old age (100 years) by a barren old wife (Sarah) to be the father of nations. It was by faith that Abraham wanted to sacrifice his only son to God despite the fact that this was the son God gave him to fulfill the promise. It was by faith Joseph predicted the return from Egypt (wanted his bones buried in the promise land) and Moses chose to suffer as a Jew than be rich son of Egypt (integrity under God – always be yourself regardless). Many faithful suffered persecution such as death, imprisonment, floggings, stoning, sawed in two, and tortured, but held on to their faith for a bigger reward of what was not seen but expected in God.
Hebrews 12:
Since we have so many great examples of the faithful to God, even before the Jewish law of Moses was given, let us persevere in the faith in Jesus that is set before us instead of the Jewish (human) law that is followed by the godless. In your struggles to live a faithful life in a godless world, endure hardship as discipline from God. God disciplines his children except they are illegitimate. Try to live at peace with everyone and be holy because holiness is needed to see God. Make sure there is no hidden bitterness that grows to cause trouble for or defile others, as well as avoid sexual immorality and lack of integrity in giving up your right for a bowl of soup.
Hebrews 13:
Always love each other and do not forget to be good to strangers or immigrants because they could be angels or with some godly wisdom to learn from. Always speak up for those who are oppressed by the law or cannot fight for themselves as if you were fighting for yourselves. Keep the marriage bed pure because God will come down on the adulterer and the sexually immoral. Always reject the love of money and embrace contentment because God is your helper and do not become a slave to money because of human influence (trend) and human recognition (fame). The opposite of worshipping God is loving money for fame and power. God is a powerful spirit, but money is a man-made idol to buy power. Hold on to Jesus always for a reward to come under the faith that saves by grace. Always confess Jesus, praise God with songs, and be good as well as share with each other – This is the sacrifice to God. Obey and submit to your leader so that their work will be of joy (obey and follow constructively).