Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
James 1:
Rejoice in trials, hardship, and difficult times because God tests your faith to enhance the spirit of perseverance. Perseverance is a requirement for Christians to be mature and complete in their faith in Jesus Christ. So having no issue or setback due to your integrity in your faith in Jesus that affects your actions, words, and deed, means you are actually for the world and not Jesus. Always ask God for wisdom and expect an answer by faith. The contented person is elevated in God, but he that lives for money is relegated in God because he will pass away like grass. The rich will fade away like dried weeds even while in lives in pursuit of money (anxiety, stress, frustration, distrust, & many enemies from cheating them). Those who persevere always receive a crown of life that is promised to those in Christ. God tempts no one, but rather, we are tempted by worldly desires. Worldly desires lead to sin and sin to death. Every good gift is from God. Be quick to listen, but be low to speak and be angry. Keep God’s word in your heart and abide by them. A godly person controls the tongue. The faith that God accepts is to care for the defenseless, vulnerable and oppressed under human law – orphans, widows, immigrants, women, and Blacks.
James 2:
Show no favoritism or judge between people with evil thought based on worldly possession. It even appears that the poor and unflavored by worldly standard tend to be the most faithful In Jesus and God’s kingdom. Yet, you insult the poor and praise the rich that exploits and oppresses you in court based on the unjust laws their politicians have made to favor them against you. Loving all neighbors as yourself is right, but favoritism is a sin. You break one law, you break all the laws. So always show mercy over judgment. Faith without good deed is dead. You deeds justifies your faith because even demons know the one true God. Abraham was considered faithful and God’s friend by God because he acted on his faith in God and obeyed by deed. Rahab the prostitute believed in what the spies of God said and housed them, so she was saved by her deeds. Faith without deeds is as dead as a body without a spirit.
James 3:
Many should not want to become teachers because teachers are judged harshly. The tongue is a small part of the body, but can set the whole body and life with the fire of condemnation. Man can tame anything, except his tongue, which is a restless evil filled with poison. The tongue that praises God should not curse the man made in God’s image because both saltwater and freshwater cannot come the same source. Those with wisdom and understanding should show good deed and humility. Where there is envy and selfish ambition is where disorder and evil practice reside. The wisdom from heaven is pure, peaceful, loving, considerate, humble, sincere, merciful, and impartial.