Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
1 Peter 2:
Stay away from malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, or slander in order to get closer to God. Jesus is the living stone chosen by God, but rejected by godless people. The worldly are destined to be godless and can never accept Jesus, so they always stumble and fail against the living stone. Those called by God are a holy and royal priesthood belonging to God destined to declare the goodness of God’s mercy in Jesus. Avoid sinful desires (mostly sexual sins and greed for money). Respect kings, presidents, governors, and all leaders because they represent God in punishing the godless and justifying the godly because it is God’s intention for good to silence foolishness and evil. So leaders who do the opposite are working against God. Live in freedom, but do not use it to cover evil (David killing Uriah to steal Bathsheba as wife). Work diligently for both good and bad bosses in honor of God (until you find better employment). Jesus came to die, so he never defended himself and by his wound we are healed, but you came to live for God.
1 Peter 3:
Wives submit to your husband in other to win them to God with your reverence and purity. A woman’s beauty has absolutely nothing to do with her physically or what she puts on (godless and feminists), but rather, it is in her character and gentleness that is pleasing to God (godly woman), her creator. So women looking good for herself (some may say) or for everyone is not of God, but the one that looks good (character, gentleness, & dressing) for her husband is for God. This is how women make themselves beautiful to God and even called their husband, “master”. Husbands are to treat their wives with uttermost respect as partners in God, so that God can always answer their prayers. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but be a blessing. Live with each other with love, sympathy, compassion, and humility. You are blessed even if you suffer for what is right. Do not fear what others fear and always be prepared to answer for your way of life with respect in Christ, so that any slanderer will be ashamed.
1 Peter 4:
Those in Christ should live for God’s will and not evil earthly desires, usually greed for money and sexual sins. The godless slander and insult you for not doing what they do and for been unique, so they punish you with lack of access to money, promotion, and status. They will give account to Jesus, who judges the living and the dead. Be hospitable, have a clear conscience, love each other, and have self-control. Always use you your gifts to serve your community and represent God in order to glorify the Spirit of Jesus in you. Be happy if people reject you for being different with your principles in Jesus because you will be highly rewarded when his glory is revealed. Always praise God because you bear his name and do not be associated with theft, murder, or criminal acts. Dedicate yourself to God, family, and community, but not selfish ambition of money (backstabbing, oppression, discrimination, sexism, and racism).