Daily Bible Verses | December 15 | 1 Peter 5 | 2 Peter 1 | 2 Peter 2 New Testament Teaches: Holy Spirit Through Jesus Save, Not Good Works
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Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  –   Please LIKE us on Facebook

 1 Peter 5:

Elders should not be eager to get rich, but should serve God by caring for the body of Christ because they want to and not for power or domination. God dislikes pride, but exalts the humble, so young men should respect the older ones and be humble towards each other.  Cast all your worries, concerns, and issue on God because God cares. Be alert and self-controlled because the devil seeks to destroy you (with the quest for money, supporting godlessness just to make a living, or fear to speak your mind not to lose money, thereby deceiving the next generation on Satan’s behalf)Resist Satan by living as God commanded in Jesus and bear the earthly penalties (loss of money, promotion, and status) of being faithful to God. In due time, God will always make you whole again in a matter of time.  

2 Peter 1:

God has given his chosen ones everything needed to live and enjoy on this earth through the knowledge of God through Jesus. The divine nature of God through the promise of faith in Jesus by grace enables us to avoid the corruption of the evil desires of the world.  Embrace love, goodness, knowledge, perseverance, self-control, kindness, and godliness (not pursuit of money), which will make you productive in living for Jesus and you will never fall.  Peter was a physical witness, with his eyes and ears, when God spoke from heaven saying that Jesus was his son and was pleased with him, which made the words of the old prophets more believable.  Pay attention to the prophets for their prophecy was from God through the Holy Spirit.    

2 Peter 2:

There will always be false prophets in the business of JesusMany will deny Jesus, use Jesus for profit, and introduce worldly ideologies to discredit Jesus to their own destruction. God even punished angels for sinning, but protected Noah’s family from the flood and Lot’s family from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. God knows how to punish evil and save good at the same timeThe godless despise authority and justifies the sinful nature.  They are also bold and arrogant in slandering heavenly beings, but even angel will not do that before God.  The godless are people born for destruction.  The godless will be rewarded with harm because they are filled with pleasure, adultery, and expert in greed.  They have been lost like prophet Balaam who choose the part of wickedness for money until he was corrected by a donkey speaking in human voice. It is better not to have know Jesus than to know, but yet return to the ways of the sinful world. Jesus is the only way to God because those who merely believe in good deeds lack consistency with out the Holy Spirit of God that saves by grace through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus.   

The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

Need daily devotion materials for you and your family early in the morning or late at night? I used this daily at night to instruct my children about want I expect from them now and into the future. We pray about the devotional message to a higher power, which makes them feel that the expectation is an achievable goal. It is very good at helping you and your family stay focused in improving your quality of life and making better decisions. Always use this daily!

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