Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
2 Peter 3:
In the last days, many will mock Jesus and ask, “where is the last day of his coming that Jesus promised? Since the beginning of time, the world just continues.” In their ignorance, they forget that God commanded land to appear out of water and from water (water is over 75% of this planet). It was water that once destroyed the world in Noah’s time and also by God’s command that the heaven and earth were created to be destroyed by fire against the godless people. God’s day is like human’s 1000 years, so God’s apparent slowness is for us to repent and not be destroyed. God is never slow or late in fulfilling his promises. God’s day will come like a thief and both heaven and earth will disappear by fire. A new heaven and earth will appear as the new home for the godly and righteous people. Remain blameless and be at peace with God through Jesus by watching against the deceit of lawless and godless people (money can be used to deceive).
1 John 1:
John proclaims Jesus as the son of God, Word of life, and the Messiah based on the fact that he was a witness that saw, heard, and touched Jesus, as well as fellowshipped with Jesus. God is light without darkness. We would be truthful to walk in light like Jesus did in order to be purified from all our sins. We are liars to say that we have no sins to be forgiven because we are in Jesus. We must always confess our sins in order for Jesus to forgive them and bring us closer to God.