Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
2 Thessalonians 1:
We are to endure and persevere through trials and persecutions as our faith in God and love for each other increases. All those who troubled you on earth will be rewarded with trouble when Jesus returns from heaven with his angels and punish the godless severely. The will get eternal destruction and will be removed from the presence of God. Jesus will be glorified to the Christians. Pray that God counts you worth to be among the Christians on that faithful day.
2 Thessalonians 2:
Never believe that the end has come until the rebellion of the anti-Christ or the lawless man, who is doomed for destruction, has been revealed to all. He will oppose everything that is of God and exalt himself as God even in God’s temple (White Jesus) and try to be above God. Satan is holding back the lawless man until an appointed time to deceive the godless with false signs and wonders. The secret powers of lawlessness is already here (love of money above morality and community), but the man of lawlessness is yet to be revealed by Satan. The lawless man will be overthrown and destroyed by Jesus easily in Jesus’ return. The godless perishes because they love lies and wickedness and God will allow them to be deceived and condemned. Thank God because God chose you to be saved through his Spirit and believing the truth. May we be strong in good deeds and words through God’s grace and love from Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 3:
Pray that we spread God’s word rapidly and be delivered from the wicked evil people who can NEVER have faith. God is faithful and will protect us from everything evil. Stay away from idle people who are never up to any good with their time. A man who does not work should not eat. God expects us to be self-reliant and self-employed ultimately. No one should ever get tired of doing what is right and good. Use shame and warning to correct the idle and lazy person to earn a living.