Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
Guide your faith in God though Jesus Christ and watch out for godless men who are sowing the seeds of deceit and immorality among you, as well as denying Jesus as the son of God. God saved his people from Egypt, but destroyed the unfaithful. Even the angel that left their authority for planet earth have been chained for the judgment day. Sodom and Gomorrah embraced sexual immorality and perversion (Homosexuality) and were consumed from heaven. When archangel Michael argued with the devil over Moses’ body, he did not slander the devil, but said , “The Lord rebuke you””. Yet, godless men corrupt their bodies, reject authority, and slander celestial beings. The godless have embraced the ways of Cain that killed his brother and followed Balaam for shameless profit (unholy alliance because you want to keep job, get money, or be liked by the godless). The come to consume you, but always have nothing to offer. They are symbols of emptiness and the blackest darkness have been reserved for them. Enoch even prophesized that God was coming with thousands of his angels to judge the godless for their actions and words against God. Avoid people without God’s Spirit, who rely solely on natural instincts like animals. Keep your faith in Jesus, be merciful, and save others from destruction.
Revelation 1:
God sent an angel to show John the revelation of Jesus Christ. Blessed are those who hear, read, and understand Revelation. To the 7 churches in Asia. 7 spirits covers the throne of Jesus and Jesus is the firstborn of the dead (first to die, resurrect, and enter heaven), as well as the ruler of all the earthly kings. Jesus saved us from sin by his blood and turned us into a kingdom of priests to serve God. Jesus will come on the clouds and everyone living and dead will see him and mourn. Jesus told John to write down what he saw and that Jesus had the keys to both life and death. Jesus held 7 stars in his right hand and stood among 7 golden lampstands. The 7 stars are angels of the 7 churches and the 7 lampstands are the 7 churches.