Daily Bible Verses | December 25 | Revelation 10 | Christmas Wish New Testament Reveals God's Mystery - Ultimate Christmas Wish
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Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  –   Please LIKE us on Facebook

 Revelation 10:

A mighty angel came down from haven dressed in a cloud.  He had a little opened scroll in his hand and he placed his right foot in the sea and the left foot on land. The angel shouted and the seven thunders spoke, but a voice from heaven told John to seal up what the thunders said and not write it downThe angel raised his right hand to heaven and swore by God that God’s mystery to the prophets will be revealed just when the seventh angel blows the trumpet.  The voice from heaven then told John to take the opened scroll from the angel and the angel told him to eat it, which will turn sour his stomach, but will be sweet as honey in his mouth. John was told to prophesize again about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings.        

Merry Christmas – The Mystery of God to the Prophets:

Remember that CHRISTMAS is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ into the world to become the human sacrifice that will reconcile us to God through the gift of grace for all those who have faith and believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as his ascension into heaven to the seated at the right side of God.

Enjoy your Christmas and visit our sponsors to get gifts for the NEW YEAR!!!


The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

Need daily devotion materials for you and your family early in the morning or late at night? I used this daily at night to instruct my children about want I expect from them now and into the future. We pray about the devotional message to a higher power, which makes them feel that the expectation is an achievable goal. It is very good at helping you and your family stay focused in improving your quality of life and making better decisions. Always use this daily!

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