Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
1 Timothy 1:
Ignore those who prefer to talks about false doctrines based on myths and genealogies, but focus solely on faith in Jesus. It enhances controversies rather than God’s work, which is by faith. Faith is sincerely based on a pure heart and good conscience, which has love as its goal. Some want the meaningless talk about the law (natural or man-made) which they do not even understand. Laws are good only for the criminal, slave traders and lairs, the godless and lawbreakers, as well as rebels and sinners. Thank Jesus for considering us to be faithful and appointed to his service. Jesus shows mercy even in our ignorance and unbelief, but only those with faith and love in Christ are saved. You can give up your faith in Christ for worldly pleasures (money, promotions, contract, job, raise, and influence against morality and truth) and be handed over to Satan’s (worldly) rule.
1 Timothy 2:
We should give thanks and pray for all including our leaders so that we can live in peace and quiet in all godliness and holiness. This makes God happy because he wants everyone to be saved and acquire the knowledge of truth. There is one God and one mediator between God and humans – Jesus Christ. Always pray without anger or quarrel. Women of God are to dress with decency and modesty without elaborate hairstyles, gold, pearl, or expensive clothes, as well as dedicate themselves to good deeds. Women are to learn in quietness and in full submission (Women are to embrace education). Women are not expected to teach or have authority over a man, but are to be silent because man was made first and woman was the one that was deceived by Satan to make humans become sinners. Christ cannot argue with God, man cannot argue with Christ, so woman should not argue with man. Radical feminism is a satanic doctrine that has taken mothers out of the home for self-ambition, left men unemployed and unable to provide adequately for their families, so children have now become wayward. Children have lost their mothers to the search of money and self-ambition of equality, as well as their fathers to inability to be seen as the provider and loss of respect in the family (home). Women are saved by childbearing if she continues in the faith, love, and holiness of Jesus (raise her children in the ways of God – to respect her husband, Jesus, and God, not the Satanic doctrine of feminism that leaves her children without a father).
1 Timothy 3:
Those who want to be leaders should not worship money (asking for tithe religiously or quoting Malachi 3:10 in vain), have one wife, be gentle and respectable, and be able to teach and is not quarrelsome. He that cannot manage his family or have his children respect him should not be a leader (this includes women, especially those without husbands, have no respect for men, and have taught their children not to respect their fathers or adult males – the chain of command is God, Jesus, man, women, and children). The leader must be a man that is an older convert, respected by outsiders, and is above the devil’s trap. Deacons are also expected to be men that are sincere, respectable, not greedy for money, and not drunkards (drink little). They should speak God’s truth about the faith of Christ with a clear conscience, marry one wife, manage his children and household well, and should be tested for blamelessness. Deacon’s wives are expected to have good behavior and manners, be trustworthy, and talk with wisdom. So God expects his followers to become like leaders, be married to one wife, and manage their homes well. Those who support homosexual homes, single mother lifestyle, and raising fatherless children are carrying out Satan’s agenda against God on earth.