Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
Exodus 3:
Moses took Jethro’s flock (his father-in-law, but his name was Reuel in Exodus 2. Jethro must have been the father of Reuel, who was the father of Moses’ wife) far into the desert towards Horeb, the mountain of God. So the angel of God appeared to him as a burning bush that did not consume the bush. God then called Moses and he answered. God may gets our attention with something that appears like a setback (fire, burning, consumption, appear to be falling or failing), but it is just a mirage that is meant to strengthen us, not consume us. God told him he was on Holy ground (Canaan), introduced himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (the three full-blooded Arab fathers of the Jewish nation). God told Moses that he was concerned about the cries of the his people (African Jews) in slavery in African Egypt and that he has come down from Heaven to bring them to the promised land – land of the Canaan. God asked Moses to return to Egypt to tell Pharaoh that God had sent him to bring the Jews out of Egypt and worship God on Mountain Horeb. Moses was scared to go because Egypt was the superpower of the Mediterranean and the known world at the time. Moses was to tell the Israelites that I AM (God’s name to be remembered for all generation) has watched over them and is now going to bring them out of Egypt (the greatest nation on earth to show God’s might to all of humanity of the time. God was basically reintroducing himself to humanity after centuries of silence). God made it clear to Moses that Pharaoh was going to be stubborn and that would give God the opportunity to strike down the mighty Egyptians with wonders until Pharaoh gives up. God’s plan was also to plunder Egypt through fear by allowing the Hebrews to demand and collect as much gold and silver as they leave Egypt. Even God believes in reparation against slavery and oppression, and the oppressed are supposed to demand FREE resources (reparation – act of repentance) from their oppressors.
Exodus 4:
Moses was still unsure if the Hebrews will listen to him and may doubt if God told him anything. So God made him throw his shepherd staff on the ground and it became a snake and also made him hold its tail to turn the snake back into a staff. So God used magic, which was knowledge and power of the time, to convince the uncivilized Hebrews, who were mere slaves without a culture, into believing that a mighty God was with Moses. God made Moses put his hand in and out of his clothes to give him leprous and to heal it. God made it clear that the Hebrews will believe these two miracles, but if not, he should take water from the Nile and pour it on the ground to turn it into blood. Explained magic or miracle is science, but knowledge and ability without adequate explanation is magic or a miracle. Magic, miracle, or science is all knowledge and knowledge is definitely power. God was preparing Moses as his military agent against the world powers – Egypt ruled by the Pharaohs, who were even called and worshipped as gods by other civilizations of the time. Moses then told God that he was not a good speaker and God said that he was the God of creation of all body parts and would teach him to speak. God then told Moses he could take his brother Aaron as well who was already a Levite that was coming to meet him in exile (this means that Moses had a relationship with his Hebrew family while he was secretly being raise in Pharaoh’s palace and while he was in exile – How did he know Aaron was his brother and how did Aaron know where to find him in Canaan? Is Aaron not supposed to be a slave in Egypt with the rest of the Hebrews or were all priests (Levites included) given special privileges in Egypt? Moses must have been the hope for Hebrew freedom when he was in the palace and must have been heartbroken when he left them). Moses returned to Egypt to face an adopted uncle or cousin, who was now Pharaoh because God told him that the previous generation was gone. Moses took his family and his staff, and God told him to perform all miracles before Pharaoh, but God was going to intentionally harden Pharaoh’s heart so that God will humble Egypt before all of humanity. God almost killed Moses, but the wife circumcised the son and touched Moses’ feet, so God speared him (Moses must have decided not to go, but the wife showed God that she was prepared to encourage him even in carrying out the Jewish customs of circumcision as a foreign woman). Aaron joins Moses as God instructed him to, they went to meet the Hebrews in Egypt to show them the signs, and they all believed and worshipped God.
Exodus 5:
Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and informed him that the God of Israel wanted his people (Israelites) to go worship him in the desert or the Israelites will be punished with plagues, but Pharaoh refused because he was god of the civilized world. Pharaoh increase the workload of the Hebrews to keep them busy and from listening to Moses’ lies about some God. The appointed leaders of the Hebrews by Pharaoh went to Pharaoh to complain about the work load, but Pharaoh called them lazy for trying to leave their work to go worship their God. So the leaders blamed Moses and Aaron for their troubles. This saddened Moses, so he asked God why he had brought trouble for the Israelites in God’s name and had not rescued them from Pharaoh.
Exodus 6:
God told Moses not to worry because he was going to remember his promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, which was the Israelites will inherit the land of Canaan and that God was going to make Pharaoh let the Israelites go by God’s mighty hand. God wanted Moses to inform the Israelites that God was going to bring them out of bondage from underneath the Egyptians with judgment. God was going to be their God and the Israelites will be his people, as well as give them the land he promised their fathers. God always fulfill his promise.