Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
Genesis 21:
Abraham had Isaac at 100 years old and circumcised him. Sarah got jealous of Hagar and Ishmael, and she asked Abraham to send them away, but Abraham refused. God Intervened and told Abraham to listen to Sarah because God was going to make a nation out of Ishmael despite the fact that the covenant belonged to Isaac. Hagar was sad that her son would die in the wilderness, but an angel appeared to her and said that her son will live and be great. So never give up on God because God takes care of His children even in the worst situations. Ishmael married an African Egyptian like his mother. Abraham made a covenant with King Abimelech to be faithful with each other. Abraham was allowed to live long in the land of the Philistines (children of African Egypt).
Genesis 22:
God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, to him. At this time, human sacrifices were acceptable, even to God. In fact, Jesus is supposed to be a human sacrifices for all Christians. As Abraham was about to kill Isaac with his knife, God stopped him and provided a ram for the offering instead. The angel appeared to Abraham to declare that God swears by Himself that he will truly make Abraham great and will multiply his dependences like the stars and sand because he listen to the voice of God.
Genesis 23:
Sarah died at 127 years (Isaac was just 37 years and Ishmael 51 years) and Abraham bought a place among the Hittites to bury his death ones.
Genesis 24:
Abraham, now very old, demanded from his servant that he should find Isaac a wife from Arabia instead of Canaan (African). Abraham, who was of Arab descent wanted his son to marry from Arabia. The servant was concerned that the Arab woman may not want to follow him back to Canaan from Arabia, but Abraham insisted that Isaac should NEVER go back to Arabia because God has promised him and his descendants the land of Canaan. The servant went to Arabia, sat by the well, and prayed that a woman with good attitude be chosen for Isaac. At the well, Rebekah met him and gave water to him as well as all his camels. The servant liked what he saw and proposed to her on behalf of Isaac by giving her a precious ring and bracelet. Her brother and mother welcomed him and she agreed to go with him as wife for Isaac after receiving jewelry of Gold and silver as wells as expensive garments. Did Rebekah agree to go with a strangers because she was desperate for marriage, just liked Abraham’s servant, or she could smell the wealth (camels and jewelry) that the servant brought with him? I can assume that she saw the wealth, but her attitude and hospitality deserves it. Most gold-diggers today would pretend that your money is meaningless and still lack proper attitude and home-training.