Daily Bible Verses | March 29 | 1 Chronicles 19 | 1 Chronicles 20 | 1 Chronicles 21 | 1 Chronicles 22 1 Chronicles Teaches God Restricts the Blessings of Soldiers
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Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  –   Please LIKE us on Facebook

1 Chronicles 19:

When Nahash, king of the Ammonites died, Hanun, his son became king. So David sent messengers to console Hanun and also wanted to deal with him kindly because he was friends with the father. The Ammonite princes convinced Hanun that David was actually there to spy and survey the land in an attempt to overthrow him. Hanun then took David’s messengers, shaved their heads, and cut their clothes around the waist and hip. When the Ammonites saw that it displeased David, they went to hire foreign armies and prepared for war. David and the Israelites defeated the Ammonites and their foreign armies. When people legitimately offer friendship, do not let cultural, racial, gender, fear, or religious difference be the justification for rejection or dishonor. When you do this, you legitimize the power of the opposition to harm you.

1 Chronicles 20:

The spring was when kings went to war. I guess it was the beginning of the year and a time to conquer more lands for resources. David conquered Rabbah and took the crown of their king. The crown was very valuable so David placed it on his head. He made all the cities he conquered labor for Israel and he returned to Jerusalem. David and his men also defeated the Philistines and struck down the descendants of giants among them. Every evil obstacle such as racism, sexism, tribalism, and religious segregation shall fall at your feet. If you are not with God, then you need to join the evil doers in their obstacles to survive, but if you follow God, those who perpetrate these evil acts shall be struck down by God in front of your eyes.

1 Chronicles 21: Satan stood against Israel and made David take a census of Israel. Joab, the general of Israel, did not think it was a good idea to count God’s people because God was multiplying them. David insisted and a census was taken. Joab counted about 1.6 million aside from Benjamin and Levi. This angered God and he made David to chose between 3 years of famine, 3 months of being overridden by the sword of his enemies, or 3 days of pestilence. David left the option to God, so there was 3 days of pestilence in Israel, and 70,000 died. God even had to stop the destruction and David saw the angel doing it, he begged God to stop killing the people because he requested the census. Taking national census to plan and make better decisions is a good thing, especially during the time of scarcity and underdevelopment, but not during prosperity. I guess David took a census to see how much resources God had given through conquest compared to the population. I think God was angry at David’s intent rather than the census itself. If this is so, then it was considered an arrogant move of ingratitude. God told prophet Gad to have David build an altar for him at the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. David did as he was told and paid full value for the threshing floor because he refused to give God what will not cost him anything and God answered David by fire on the offering made on the altar David built. Put your mind, body, and soul in worshipping God. 1 Chronicles 22: David gathered the resident aliens (immigrants) to cut stones for God’s temple. He got all the material ready for the building and called Solomon. He told Solomon that God had chosen Solomon to build God’s temple because he had shed too much blood upon the earth from many wars, but his son, whose name is Solomon shall have peace during his reign and build my temple. So a murderer even for a good cause does not do everything for God. Solomon was guaranteed peace from his enemies in order to build God’s temple. David then provided Solomon with all the gold as well as precious wood and metals for building God’s temple. He also instructed the elders to help Solomon because he was young and inexperienced.

The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

Need daily devotion materials for you and your family early in the morning or late at night? I used this daily at night to instruct my children about want I expect from them now and into the future. We pray about the devotional message to a higher power, which makes them feel that the expectation is an achievable goal. It is very good at helping you and your family stay focused in improving your quality of life and making better decisions. Always use this daily!

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