Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
Psalms 18:
God is my strength, fortress, and rock in which I take refuge. Please protect me from my enemies. Death surrounds and camps against me, but God hears when when I cry to him. God comes down from heaven with a mighty force and anger to fight for the godly. God is never late; he answers and fights for the godly. Your job is to be godly and then call on God.
Psalms 19:
The heavens and the sky proclaims God’s glory. The laws of God are perfect and he makes the simple to be wise. The fear of God is clean and enduring, and the commandment of God is pure and enlightening to the eyes. God is sweeter than honey and more desirable than pure gold. Never let wealth, money, promotion, or faith in human alliances be the reason to believe you can succeed without God.
Psalms 20:
May God answer you on the day of trouble and protect you. May God grant all our hearts desire and fulfill all our plans. Many rely on chariots and horse, but we rely on God’s name. They fall and collapse, but we rise and take a stand. It is ungodly to put all hopes in what man has made. It may serve a purpose for a while, but not for long or in all situations.