Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
Psalms 30:
God has saved me and my enemies cannot rejoice over me. God restored me from those that where perishing. God’s anger is for a moments, so let all the saints give God thanks and praises. Weeping may occur at night, but joy comes in the morning. In my prosperity God made me a strong mountain. Have mercy on me God because there is no value in my death, and dust will not praise you. God turned my mourning into dancing. I will praise and thank God forever. So the existence of the godly is to praise God. God uses the wicked to get praises from the godly.
Psalms 31:
In God I take refuge and may he never allow me to be put in shame. God is my rock and fortress who leads and guides me, and removes me from nets that were hidden for me. The abundance of God’s goodness is reserved for those who fear God. The wicked are the majority that are empowered against God. So many of the wealthy, powerful, and mighty are actually agents against God. The godly seems to have difficulty in the world because they are not against God.
Psalms 32:
Blessed is he who has his sins forgiven and his spirit has no deceit. Let us offer prayers of forgiveness to God. Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but I trust and rejoice in God. So you may not be in the camp of the wicked (rich and powerful), but you will be very sorrowful if you do not have God. Not all oppressed people have God.