Daily Bible Verses | May 17 | Psalms 33 | Psalms 34 | Psalms 35 Psalms Teaches the Godly Suffer To Be Led Away From God
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Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  –   Please LIKE us on Facebook

Psalms 33:

Shout and sing for Joy to God with musical instruments. God loves faithfulness, uprightness, justice, and has steadfast love.  God’s word made the heavens, the earth, and all that is within them. God bring the plans of nations to nothing and blessed are the people that has God as their GodGod looks down from heaven at people and the great kings, mighty army, and war horses are meaningless.  God focuses only on those that fear him.  In summary, if you worship other gods (money, wealth, unjust laws, unholy alliances) you will have power on earth that others fearIf you worship God, you will always be troubled by the gods of the wicked from which God has to protected you from in order to get your praise and worship.

Psalms 34:

I will bless and praise God with my mouth.  God delivers those that fear him and angels camp beside them.  He that fears God lacks no good thing (may lack others).  To fear God, do good, avoid evil, speak truth, seek peace and pursue itThe eyes of God are against the wicked, but in favor of the godly.  The troubles of the godly are numerous, but God delivers them.  Affliction will destroy the wicked and all who hate the godly.  So the wicked will create many afflictions for the godly to lead them away from God and make them follow their way of life and system, but God’s affliction will slay the wicked.

Psalms 35:

God, please contend with those who contend against me and destroy my pursuers.  Let my enemies return empty with shame, dishonor, and disgrace. False witness rise up against me and rejoice when I stumble. Vindicate me God and do not let them rejoice over me.  Put them in shame that I may tell your righteousness and praise you.

The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

Need daily devotion materials for you and your family early in the morning or late at night? I used this daily at night to instruct my children about want I expect from them now and into the future. We pray about the devotional message to a higher power, which makes them feel that the expectation is an achievable goal. It is very good at helping you and your family stay focused in improving your quality of life and making better decisions. Always use this daily!

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