Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
Psalms 48:
God is great and he should be praised greatly. The kings of the earth assembled together but when they saw the city of God, they fled and scattered. Admired the city of God and give God abundant praises. You are a city of God if God dwells in you. The wicked and powerful will always mobilize to fight the city of God, but you will always be victorious even if you have to change location. Always stand above them because you are actually above them.
Psalms 49:
All people listen to me because I am about to speak wisdom with music. Why must I fear in times of trouble while the sins of the wealthy and wicked are many around me. They put faith in their wealth and power, but yet none can pay God for his life. These men will surely live to see the pit. Both the wise and foolish will die and leave their wealth. The grave is their home forever despite the fact that they name lands after themselves. Have no regards for the rich and wealthy because when they die, they leave their wealth for others. You are not supposed to amass wealth, but rather, use it to elevate others and your community.
Psalms 50:
The heaven itself declares God’s righteousness and God only is Judge. God does not need our scarifies, tithe, or offerings because God owns everything. God ask why the wicked talk about him, yet hates discipline. Why does the wicked hold my word, but loves thieves and adulterers? The wicked talks freely of evil, deceit, and lies against his brother. The wicked does evil because he believe the man-made system favors him and that he can get away with it.