Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
Psalms 51:
Have mercy on me God and forgive my transgressions. I have sinned against you but please wash me clean that I may teach transgressors your ways. Regardless of your imperfections, a follower of God still sets the standard of how to live. You (the godly) may be few and have a little, but you are still in charge of everything and everyone.
Psalms 52:
Why do mighty men love evil, destruction, deceit, and lies? God will break down the wicked and the godly will laugh at him for trusting his riches and might rather than God. I will trust in God and thank him forever. Mighty men like wealth, power, and domination in order to lead or subject others to the ways and rules of the Devil.
Psalms 53:
The fool says there is no God, so he does as he pleases in abominable iniquities because there is no one to give accounts to for not doing good. God looks down from heaven to see if any humans seeks God’s ways, but they have all fallen away. The wicked has no knowledge of God and destroys God’s people, but God will put them to shame in great terror. Rejoice because God will restore the fortunes of his people. No matter how few in number or little in possession, the wicked gathers wealth and power for the godly to inherit after their destruction by God. Just follow God and help destroy evil whenever you can by making sure you expose and speak against them.