Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
Matthew 17:
Jesus took Peter, James, and John to a mountain where he transfigured gloriously and Jesus met with Moses as well as Elijah. Then God declared Jesus as his son from heaven and demanded that they listen to Jesus. This scared the disciples that they hid their faces. When they looked up again, Jesus was all alone, and Jesus instructed them to say nothing to anyone until he had risen from the dead. The disciples then asked Jesus why the teachers of the law say that Elijah must return first and Jesus made it clear to them that John the Baptist was the second Elijah, but Jesus will be mistreated by the people like John the Baptist. Jesus healed a boy with seizures because the disciples could not cast out the demon. Jesus told them that they could not heal the boy because their faith was little and with faith all things are possible. Jesus reminded them about his death and resurrection, which made the disciples sad. Jesus asked Peter to catch a fish, which will have the amount of the temple tax in its mouth, since the earthly kings demand their taxes from other, but not their family members. Jesus obeyed the Jewish law that did not contradict the expectation of God.
Matthew 18:
Jesus told the disciples that the greatest in heaven is one with humility and innocence. Whoever receives a child well in Jesus receives Jesus, but he who causes a child who believe in Jesus to sin will suffer. Shame on the world for the things that cause sin and through whom sin comes. It is better to be disabled or lose a part of your body than to have your able or whole body thrown into hell because of sin. The angels of children sees the face of God in heaven, so each human has an angel in the presence of God. Jesus says that a shepherd will leave 99 sheep to go search for the lost one because God wants no person lost. Jesus says that when a brother offends you tell him his fault. If he refuses to repent, get a witness or two. If he still refuses to repent tell the church. If he still refuses to repent, then DO NOT ASSOCIATE with him anymore. This is God and Jesus’ rule for repentance & forgiveness. Jesus teaches that if two or more agree in his name it shall be done by God and Jesus is with them.
Matthew 19:
Jesus moves to the nation of Judah from nation of Israel and the Pharisees tested him on when divorce is lawful. Jesus replied that marriage was ordained by God so that man and woman becomes one flesh and be inseparable (Jesus opposes divorce & homosexual marriages). Jesus also tells them that Moses allowed divorce because they were stubborn, but God did not want divorce from the beginning between man and woman. There should be no divorce except for marital unfaithfulness. Jesus claims that heaven belongs to those who have the innocence and humility of little children. Jesus told a rich man, who had followed the law, but was still lacking, to sell all he had to give the poor and then follow Jesus. The man could not abandon his wealth for God and he left very sad. Jesus then informed all that it is easier for a camel to enter heaven than someone defined by his wealth. Those who follow Jesus despite their wealth, family, and children will be rewarded in heaven and have eternal life.