Daily Bible Verses | September 1 | Ezekiel 30 | Ezekiel 31 | Ezekiel 32 Ezekiel Teaches God Testifies that African Egypt Greater Garden of Eden
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Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  –   Please LIKE us on Facebook

Ezekiel 30:

God says the time is near for Egypt to fall by the sword, her wealth carried away, and her foundations torn down.  Ethiopia (Cush), Libya (Put), Lydia (Turkey), Arabia, and peoples of the covenant lands shall fall with EgyptGod was going to use King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon to put an end to Egypt as a world power and send ships to Ethiopia to frighten her complacency.  Soon, God weakened the arm of Pharaoh to the extent that he will no longer be able to hold a sword (Egypt defeated) and God was going to scatter them among the nations. 

Ezekiel 31:

God sent Ezekiel to ask Pharaoh of Egypt who could compare with Egypt in majesty.  Consider Assyria, once a cedar in Lebanon, I made her beautiful to the extent that all the great nation benefited from her shade and was the envy of all the tree in Eden, in the Garden of GodIt was because of its arrogance and wickedness that God allowed it to fall to a ruthless foreign nation and was deserted by all that once depended on it.  The day God brought it down, the stream covered it with mourning. Not one tree in Eden can compare with the majesty of Egypt, but yet Egypt will fall with the trees of Eden and lie with the uncircumcisedGod is testifying that African Egypt was even greater than the glory of the Garden of Eden, God’s Garden.  I am a proud African today.  Do you know that the Edo and Yoruba of Nigeria can trace their ancestry to Egypt?  Find their names of Tola, Eri, and Ehi among God’s children while living in Egypt in Genesis 46: 13,16, and 21.

Ezekiel 32:

God wanted Ezekiel to lament for Egypt.  Egypt is like a lion among the nations, but God was going to bring the sword of Babylon against it for destructionGod tells Ezekiel to weep for Egypt because it are going down into the pit with the uncircumcised nations

The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

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