Daily Bible Verses | September 15 | Hosea 12 | Hosea 13 | Hosea 14 Hosea Teaches Ways of God is Right Regardless
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Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  –   Please LIKE us on Facebook

Hosea 12:

Ephraim has surrounded God with lies and Israel with deceit.  Judah is also unruly towards God.  Why is it just Ephraim and Judah in all the tribes of Israel that God keeps speaking against in the past 8 chaptersEphraim was the second son of  Joseph, but got the birthright blessing from Joseph, so he represents the tribe of God’s history with IsraelJoseph was the one who brought Israel to Egypt to begin the relationship with God when God brought them out of Egyptian slavery through Moses.  Judah represents the promise made to David and about JesusThe two symbolize the historical and covenant relationship of God and IsraelEphraim loves money, he makes alliances with Assyria and Egypt to get richer, he loves dishonest scales, and he believes his wealth can cover all his sins.  God has taken care of Israel through prophets, but Ephraim angers God and God will make him pay for his bloodshed.  The quest for money usually leave the blood trails of the innocent.

Hosea 13:

Everyone feared Ephraim when he spoke and Israel exalted him until the day he died in idolatryNow they sin even more and make more idols for human sacrifices.  Only God shall you acknowledge because God brought you out of Egypt and took care of you in the desert.  Israel is destroyed without a king.  Ephraim’s guilt is high to heaven, and they will fall to the sword.  You will pay for your sins.

Hosea 14:

Return to God, repent, and ask for forgiveness.  Assyria or idols cannot save you.  God will forgive Israel and heal their waywardness.  God will answer and care for them.  He who has wisdom will understand that the ways of God is rightIt honors the godly and makes the godless fail.

The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

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