Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu – Please LIKE us on Facebook
Joel 1:
Locusts invade Israel and all their harvest is lost. The priests, who minister before God, mourn because the economy is broken. Gather all the people in sackcloth, go to God’s house, and cry to God for assistance. Has food not dry up before your eyes? Fire has even destroyed the rest to the extent that animals are looking for God. Do what is right before God humbles you. Success belongs to God only.
Joel 2:
Sound the trumpet and let all tremble because God is coming. An army of locust will invade and make the skies over the mountains dark. Before them is fire and behind them is a wasteland (eaten by locusts). Every nation, earth, and sky fears the army of locusts. God seeks their repentance and God will restore all the destruction in the land.
Joel 3:
In the days when God will restore Judah and Jerusalem, God will gather the nations and judge them for what they have done in dividing his people among the nations (African slavery), dividing up their land (African colonization), trade the boys as prostitutes (homosexuals), and sold the girls for wine that they may drink (making slaves out of their babies for more profit). God will punish the nations for what they did to Africa and Africans. God wants the nations to prepare for war because God would trample upon them in multitudes. Never again will foreigners invade Jerusalem.