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Aimiuwu, E. E. (2019). Online Graduate Students’ Perspective on Engagement in Active Learning in the United States. International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, 13(11), 1433-1440.
Best Paper Award – 13th International Research Conference; Paris, France (December 2019).
Retrieved from https://edofolks.com
As of 2017, many researchers in educational journals are still wondering if students are effectively and efficiently engaged in active learning in the online learning environment. The goal of this qualitative single case study and narrative research is to explore if students are actively engaged in their online learning. Seven online students in the United States from LinkedIn and residencies were interviewed for this study. Eleven online learning techniques from research were used as a framework. Data collection tools were used for the study that included a digital audiotape, observation sheet, interview protocol, transcription, and NVivo 12 Plus qualitative software. Data analysis process, member checking, and key themes were used to reach saturation. About 85.7% of students preferred individual grading. About 71.4% of students valued professor’s interacting 2-3 times weekly, participating through posts and responses, having good internet access, and using email. Also, about 57.1% said students log in 2-3 times weekly to daily, professor’s social presence helps, regular punctuality in work submission, and prefer assessments style of research, essay, and case study. About 42.9% appreciated syllabus usefulness and professor’s expertise.
Key Findings:
Online students want to hear from their instructor 2-3 times weekly.
Syllabus is very important towards helping students find answers, get information, and stay engaged in class.
Students should log into their online platforms about 4 times weekly to do work, study, or respond to questions.
Instructor’s frequent social presence helps online students stay engaged in active learning.
Online graduate students take punctuality of work submission, weekly participation, and instructor’s expertise seriously.
Online graduate students prefer research & short essays, individual work & rubric grading, email communication, and access to good internet.
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