On behalf of the Paul Bogle Foundation and Edofolks.com, I would like to remind you that the 2nd annual “African Slavery and Holocaust Memorial” will be taking place on Sunday, October 18, 2009 at 6:00 PM in all 50 State Capitol Buildings in the United States and some nations capital around the world. It was established to commemorate the Millions of Africans that perished and still suffer as result of the African Slave Trade, African Colonization, and African Slavery.
The purpose of this memorial is to challenge the conscience of all governments and peoples towards the legalized and social discriminations against Black peoples, as well as other forms of violence and injustices. The plan is to light at least 1000 candles at every location at exactly 6:00 PM local time across the world. This memorial was established in the United States in 2008 at the Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza (United Nation) in New York, the Capitol Reflecting Pool in Washington DC, and the State Capitol Building in Atlanta. It was also covered by CBS and Washington Times (see Youtube.com).
We also have to celebrate the journey of the slaves, who have gone from the slave ships to the White House, and also remind authorities that what happen to Professor Henry Gates of Harvard University should not be tolerated again in the United States or anywhere else.
All Americans like yourselves, who want to be involved in this memorial, can simply e-mail us or leave a message on our memorial guestbook. Despite the fact that most Capitol cities in the United States have received our event permit application, we still need representatives on the ground in each state to head the event and to reserve a street by the Capitol Building from 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM on that day. It did not cost us a penny to do it last year in 3 different cities, as long as you have a non-profit organization and ask the fire and police departments to be a part of the event.
We have just two months to the event, so let us start taking up our responsibilities as Americans to heal our nation from within. If we can get together every October beside every State Capitol Building, along with our President, Governors, Judges, and Police, to light at least 1000 candles against all forms of prejudices and violence, it will send the greatest message across the land that a great change is necessary for America to truly fulfill its destiny as the greatest nation on earth.