Do you place your friend in a position of love and peace, or you place him in a position of war for generations just for your own interest? Is the United States truly interested in the happiness and peace of the Jewish people, or it is only interested in promoting its economical and political ideology in the Middle East – our democracy? According to the book titled “The Political and Spiritual Purpose of the Holy Land”, is a democratic Israel a stepping stone towards colonizing the Middle East for trade and profits?
I ask these questions because on the 6oth anniversary of Israel, in the presence of President Bush, Israel is still at war. When you do something right once, you enjoy the reward continuously. When you build on a wrong foundation, the castle eventually tumbles down. It is just a matter of time. If Israelis are truly the children of God, then they must choose righteousness now and live at peace with their brothers. If after 60 years, you still get rockets fired at you on your independence day, then it is time to turn around and try a different option because you have no independence. I recommend the solution in the book titled “The Political and Spiritual Purpose of the Holy Land” – one multicultural Palestine for all with or without American democracy.