Jan 2008
A lot of Blacks still hold on to Tiger for the sake of motivating their children, but only half heartedly. He has disappointed us too many times. Too often, God gives us an opportunity through an individual to reverse our situation of political and economic oppressions, but they are always afraid to live up to expectation for the sake of money and fame. They are afraid to act or speak to make life better for their community and descendants because of fears of losing their lighter economically advantaged supporters. They forget that good name and respect is always superior to riches in the long run. Then again, could it be that there is an unknown system that only gives opportunity to those of us with low mentality and consciousness even in Africa?
The other day, a Golf announcer, Kelly Tilghman, asked people to lynch Tiger in the alley and Tiger did not say a word. He was fine with it. What an agent of multiculturalism! Multiculturalism is not just embracing all, but also standing for the respect of all. After what Blacks have gone through with lynchings and nooses, Tiger turns the other cheek to save his paycheck and fame. How do you let money be the reason why you allow someone to insult your father and not demand an apology? The statement was made because of the dead Black father in him even if he thinks he is Cablasian. If he was truly Cablasian, he will not be synonymous with lynching, but Kelly saw him as Black and enjoyed the moment of reminding him of that fact. I do not blame Tiger; I blame the father that raised him. Tiger was probably taught like many Black Immigrants and African American “Uncle Toms” who want to live the American dream by all means never to offend the lighter races and stay away from Blacks. Just like Justice Clarence Thomas who said on Hannity and Colmes, while talking about his new book, that the KKK never attacked, hindered, or offended him, but rather the Black people in his neighborhood.
Tiger, we all are happy for you, but you have failed us woefully. May God deal kindly with your children. We will look forward to another that will unify the nation’s races as equals through words and deeds in a manner that is legally, socially, and culturally acceptable. Good luck.