Superior James Watson just realized that he is 16% African and I am sure that every non-African has a similar reality if not more. The curse he placed on himself and God for creating him from African dust (Garden of Eden in Cush (Ethiopia)) has not only taken his job away from him, and discredited his accomplishments, but it has also ridiculed the other 84% of him as a stupid individual. How can a Nobel winner for DNA not know that he is a byproduct of an African? Does a PhD in math not know the addition sign? Did American not say that that one drop or 0.1% of Black blood in an individual is Black? The world must learn from this. God has decided to act and everything that has gone forth is returning to its maker. Africa appears to be cursed because we have taken everything out of it and given almost nothing in return but neglect. James Watson is the mark that begins to return to God. Man will have no peace until the house God built for us is standing like it should. We will all fall like James Watson until we repent and return to God in mind, attitude, humility, and fairness. Africa welcomes the pure in heart and those that love God’s purpose. You are welcome to Africa.