Sept 2007
To prove that Blacks really have no rights in America under federal civil laws, there is a case being litigated in Atlanta, Georgia, but it is being blocked by the Magistrate Judge King from entering the court room for trial. The case is about a Black American middle school teacher who is working in a private school that is majority White. Within his first contract with the school that ended his teaching in May, he got two far-above average reviews in the fall and spring, and was offered a second contract with a maximum raise in February, which he accepted in March. In mid-April, one of the 10 year old students said he was the only rat in middle school. He reported the issue to the school as a racist incident and the school retaliated by firing him without cause by the end of April. He went to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and he was allowed to sue the school. He got an attorney from the EEOC list of lawyers and their filed a retaliation case against the school. The school depended on the American legal system during his deposition to discredit the Black teacher through criminal records, immigration issues, past employment problems, and even girl friend issues. They were so frustrated that a Black man could be so clean or the American capitalist labor system was failing. At their deposition, they brought up all kind of lies against the teacher and some petty complains made by parents before his second review and second contract. This was a done deal for trial because they could not explain why a teacher accepts a contract by March with maximum raise and is fired in April. What must have happened between March and April?
When the legal summary got to Judge King, one of the most conservative Judges I believe was appointed by former President Roland Reagan, she ignored his case of retaliation and pretended that it was a racial case. She claimed that since the teacher like working there and no staff insulted him racially, there was no ground for racism. She also claimed that since the teacher only had a provisional teaching certificate and was not an education major graduate, he was not really qualified to teach. She also took the petty reports made by parents as serious issues of incompetence, despite the fact that the school gave him a second contract and the highest possible raise a month before he was fired. The case was never against racism but against the school’s retaliation for reporting racism. Did the Judge even read the teacher’s summary or a conservative Judge only conserves employers and businesses? Judge King even went as far as threatening that she might rule that the teacher pays the school for their attorney fees, which might run close of $100,000, and challenged the EEOC recommended attorney for taking the case. The attorney did not only admit that he had never seen anything like this is thirteen professional years of practicing law, but advised the teacher to drop the case than have his house and wages garnished. This is what capitalism and the weakness of the American law is all about for Blacks. I only wonder if the Statue of Liberty has any response.