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Aimiuwu, E. (2012). Does Social Capital in Social Media Equate to Revenue? Americas Conference on Information Systems Proceedings, Paper 1, 1-11.

Retrieved from https://edofolks.com


The primary audience for this case study is business students who are taking classes in e-commerce, Web 2.0, social media, online business, business strategy, and internet marketing. Due to the fact that many Americans today are having problems with employment and income, but still have time to spend on Facebook or other social media, it may be the right moment in internet marketing history to utilize a social medium they are already wedded to as a platform to make some revenue. The objective is to find out whether utilizing Facebook “friends” on a daily basis can actually be an efficient way to increase Google AdSense revenue rather than relying on search engines to bring customers or clickers to their websites without asking their social capital (Facebook friends) to intentionally click on AdSense advertisements. This case is about the effect of Facebook on Google AdSense revenue based on web content search.

Key Findings:

Facebook was useful in increasing revenue, but the content search for the website must be high in order to see a great increase.

High content search value websites, visits, AdSense pageviews, clicks, and revenue increased with the use of Facebook.

Facebook was instrumental towards increasing the numbers of AdSense clickers, regardless of the content of the website.

Clicks are the major variable that drives AdSense revenue, and no matter what the content search value was, Facebook increased clicks.

In low content search value websites, the website visits and AdSense pageviews decreased with the use of Facebook. However, Facebook did increase the number of clicks, but revenue was actually better without the use of Facebook.

The reason for the high clicks for high website content search must be that visitors continue their search on the AdSense advertisement for more information, since the AdSense advertisement matches the content of each webpage.

The visitors on the low website content search appear to be satisfied with the information on the webpage and do not really search any further on the AdSense advertisement.

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