The First Chinese Were Black
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“The first inhabitants of China seem also to have been the ‘Negritos.’ Unmixed ‘Negroes’ with no connection with Africa still live in Southern China, ” is an incredible point presented by J.A. Rogers in his book, SEX AND RACE, Vol. 1. H. Imbert, a French anthropologist who lived in the Far East, says in “Les Negritos de la Chine”. “The Negroid races peopled at some time all the South of India, Indo-China and China. The South of Indo-China actually has now pure Negritos as the Semangs and mixed as the Malays and the Sakais…”

Similarly, this scholar declares:

“In the earliest Chinese history, several texts in classic books spoke of these diminutive blacks; thus the Tcheu-Li composed under the dynasty of Tcheu (1122-249 B. C.) gives a description of the inhabitants with black and oily skin… The Prince Liu-Nan, who died in 122 B.C., speaks of a kingdom of diminutive blacks in the southwest of China.”

Moreover, he states:

“In the first epochs of Chinese history, the Negrito type peopled all the south of the country and even in the island of Hai-Nan, as we have attempted to prove in our study on the Negritos, on Black men of this island. Chinese folklore speaks often of these Negroes, and mentions an Empress of China named Li (373-397A.D.), consort of the Emperor Hsiao Wn Wen, who is spoken of as being a Negro.” Professor Chang Hsing-Lang revealed in an article entitled, “The importation of Negro Slaves to China under the Tang Dynasty A.D. 618-907,” that: Even the sacred Manchu dynasty shows this Negro strain.. The lower part of the face of the Emperor Pu-yi of Manchukuo, direct descendant of the Manchu rulers of China, is most distinctly Negroid. “Chinese chroniclers report that a Negro Empire existed in the South of China at the dawn of that country’s history.”


(Myth or Reality)

Citing the works of Kwang-Chih Chang, The Archaeology of Ancient China, (Yale University Press) and Irwin Graham, Africans Abroad (Columbia University Press), R. Rashidi makes the point. There is evidence of substantial populations of Blacks in early China. Archaeological studies have located a black substraum in the earliest periods of Chinese history, “and reports of major kingdom ruled by Blacks are frequently in Chinese documents.”

HOTEP: It was unfortunate but understandable that J.A.Rogers did not know that the Blacks of China were connected to the peoples of AFRICA. The early migration of Africans were: (The Eastward Equatorial Migrations by sea.) Africans first migrated from East Africa from around the regions of Ethiopia and Somalia to, Yemen, Oman, Southern India, Burma, China, Malaysia, The Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, The Solomon Islands and all the little islands in between.

The migrations and trading westward by sea started declining only about 11,000 years ago, when world sea level rose, recovering from the last deep marine regression caused by global cooling and the locking-up of water in continental glaciers. Then there were the Northern migrations, from Ethiopia through the Saudi Arabian region. Then the migrations down the Nile. Those that Traveled over land mixed with other Africans who went through physiological changes then entered china looking different. All people on this earth are connected to the Indigenous African people and the migrations of people today can be proven not only by examining the historical records, but by DNA research.

Newly Released Study Traces Arrival of First Chinese
12.11 p.m. ET (1611 GMT) September 29, 1998

WASHINGTON — Genetic studies that show the first modern human arrived in China about 60,000 years ago support the theory that people first evolved in Africa, researchers say. In a study published Tuesday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists say that an analysis of genetic samples from throughout Asia suggests that people there sprang from common ancestors, the modern humans who appeared first in Africa and then spread throughout the world. “Our work shows that modern humans first came to southeast Asia and then moved later to northern China,” said Li Jin, a population geneticist at the University of Texas in Houston. “This supports the idea that modern humans originated in Africa.”


Jin said the study is based on analysis of the gene patterns from 43 different ethnic groups in China and Asia. He said the technique gives an indication of how people moved and mixed over thousands of generations. Migration clues are carried in genetic patterns, called micro-satellites, that change rapidly over time. By analyzing these changes and linking them to earlier genetic patterns, researchers are able to plot the migration of ancient humans. Based on the research, Jin said it appears that modern humans first moved from central Asia, following the Indian Ocean coastline across India, to southeast Asia. Later, they moved to south China. Descendants of these original Chinese then migrated north and northwest, populating northern China, Siberia and eventually the Americas.

“This is important research because it supports the out-of-Africa theory about the origin of modern humans,” said Ranjan Deka, a population genetics researcher at the University of Cincinnati. Deka said the results of the study weaken an alternative theory that modern humans arose independently on different continents at about the same time. If this were true, he said, there would be little or no genetic continuity among the various populations of the world. Instead, said Deka, the findings by Jin and his colleagues show genetic continuity in China, even though that vast country has dozens of different ethnic populations and more than 200 different languages. Jin said he believes modern human migration into Asia was probably affected by glaciers that invaded much of the Northern Hemisphere during an ice age that lasted thousands of years.

It may have been only after the glaciers retreated, more than 15,000 years ago, that modern humans were able to migrate to far northern Asia and across the Bering Strait to the Americas. Although the island nation of Japan is assumed by many to have been historically composed of an essentially homogenous population, the accumulated evidence places the matter in a vastly different light. A Japanese proverb states that: “For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of Black blood.” Another recording of the proverb is: “Half the blood in one’s veins must be Black to make a good Samurai.” Sakanouye Tamura Maro, a Black man, became the first Shogun of Japan. In China, an Africoid presence in visible from remote antiquity. The Shang, for example, China’s first dynasts, are described as having “black and oily skin.” The famous Chinese sage Lao-Tze was “black in complexion.”

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