Nigeria and WAZOBIA: The Economic Value of Truth
By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu
August 17, 2008
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Truth is the solid, real, and actual foundation on which an individual, an organization, a society, or a nation is build upon. A simple mud house built on sold foundation may not only shelter the great grand children of the builder, but can also be used to generate income for generations. A skyscraper built on a shaky ground will not only crumble gradually, but even the children of the builder would not want to die in its rubbles. I have studied the Whiteman for a while, and I must admit that he is very smart and savvy in controlling his affairs around the world. He wrote and documented lies and truths. The lies he gave the world to read and to believe. The truths he gave his children to keep, but to enforce the lies for others to follow. The truth is like a throne that has been established. You can remove it through conquest or make policies to intentionally undermine it, as long as people follow it or hold on to it, it will always be reestablished. It is just a matter of time and the determination of the people to follow through.
In one of my Anthropology classes back in the day, my professor was discussing how human settlement and civilization progressed from band to tribe, then to states, and finally to nations. Nation was the highest form of civilization any human could achieve, and examples of these were the United States, along with many western European countries. While looking at the projector on the wall, Nigeria, along with many other African countries, was considered a state. The Benin Empire was considered a nation. I unconsciously stood up right in front of the class, interrupted the professor, and told the entire class that I was from the Benin Empire. Only South Africa and ancient Egypt were the other Africans on the list of nations. So Nigeria as a Whiteman’s establishment actually went backward in civilization even by the Whitman’s standard, but in Nigeria, they are so grateful that the Whiteman came to civilize us. He gave us the lies to teach our children, but tells the truth in his universities away from the African populace. Since many of our Nigerian leaders were schooled abroad and must have heard these truths, why have they not implemented the truth and achieve the economic and socio-political relevance of a nation?

In my college days, the WAZOBIA Nigerians (Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba) could not understand why Americans respected my siblings and me so much. Whenever we went to parties, while most WAZOBIA were running after non-Africans to proof that they were accepted, the non-Africans would leave everyone to come greets us and seat by us. I noticed it, but could never explain why. One day, the New Provost of our University came to the student center to eat lunch, and surprisingly, he came to eat with me at my table. It was after this that one of my siblings began to tell me that the WAZOBIA have been telling everyone they could find that in Africa/Nigeria that we (Benin – Niger-Delta) were totally insignificant in the scheme of thing. They also told them that we were armed robbers, carvers, and prostitutes. They would even go as far as telling the Americans that there is nothing in Benin City, only mud houses and bushes. Life did go on, and soon one Yoruba girl was traveling to Nigeria. One of my siblings wanted her to help him deliver a certain deodorant to someone in Benin City, but the girl was genuinely shocked to find out that we use such deodorant in Benin City.

After calming my younger brother down about the insult, I then told her that on her way to Nigeria, she needed to pay closer attention to the TV/information screen in the airplane. Her assignment was to tell me what she saw below the map of Nigeria all through her journey to Nigeria through Europe. When she arrived, she passed her quiz by telling me that she saw the “BRIGHT OF BENIN”. I then asked her why a Nigerian would think so lowly of Benin City (capital of the Benin Empire that went from the west of eastern Nigeria to as far as Ghana), but the Europeans they worship so much would label the entire coast of western Africa after Benin. As expected, she gave me a colonized WAZOBIA answer. She claimed it was named after the tiny country of Benin Republic. This was not her fault, because even the WAZOBIA teachers in my primary school in Benin City always taught this to us whenever we had to draw the map of Nigeria. I also told her that the Benin Republic was named Benin in 1975 because it was a former colony of the Benin Empire, and that the Bright of Benin has been there since the 16th century on ancient European maps. WAZOBIA is always fond of diffusing Nigerian history and resources to other countries in order to maintain their WAZOBIA dominance in Nigerian polity. They would say that Bright of Benin is not Nigerian, and that Niger-Delta oil flows down from Egypt just because they want to maintain power. So what if the Bright of Benin is part of Nigerian history? Of what value is it to Nigeria today?
Many colonized and educated Africans would tell you that the color and race of Jesus does not matter. They would say that God is a spirit and our focus is to worship him and not debate him. Unfortunately, none of them have enough Holy Ghost to tell us why the Europeans changed his color to White in 1505 and why there is always a White Jesus in the homes, churches, and bedrooms. The point here is that those who build on their history tell other what to do and control vast wealth in all the lands, but those who wonder or question their past, are the slaves that depend on the former for sustenance. There was a time that Portugal and Spain controlled the world to the extent that the Pope had to divide the world into two for the sake of peace. Portugal controlled the west and Spain controlled the East. The Benin Empire fell into Portuguese territory. Portugal even invaded Benin City twice in the 15th century to take control of the Bright of Benin for commercial reasons but where defeated by the Benin Soldiers. This was when Benin Empire entered the minds of the global community, and became friends with Portugal because of international trade. While Benin exported spices and palm kernels to Portugal, they in turn brought coral beads and cowries from the Mediterranean. Half a century later, Benin people such as Oba Esigie, were already speaking Portuguese, not English, as a foreign language of trade and commerce. Benin also had an Ambassador in Portugal, and from what I understand, we also have a citizen agreement. Does Nigeria even know this? Do you think WAZOBIA can build upon these ancient agreements to promote trade and to make life more conducive for Nigerians in Portugal and the rest of Europe? If so, what has Nigeria done in modern time to build upon this agreement as a nation? Is Benin not part of Nigeria, or must WAZOBIA always step on Benin (the Niger delta) to erase its established influence for modern Nigeria?

Nigeria forgets that a child that bends over to see another’s butt hole forgets that he exposes his own butt hole for the world to see. While Europe, Asia, Jews, Arabs, and Americans are basing their economies and socio-political might on ancient thrones, histories, and agreements that date back centuries, Nigeria is settling for post colonial ideologies that enforce WAZOBIA. The great nations of Europe are what they are today because they never interrupted their customs and traditional agreement, and base their trade and policies on ancient established order. England, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, and Holland have been defeated many times at war, but they still maintained their histories and built their modern order around it. It was when I went to Washington DC in 1998 and took some High school students to see the White House and the World Museums that I realized that even Washington DC, the capital of the United States, the most advanced nation on earth, was also the most traditional and most historic location in disguise, despite its youthful establishment compared to Europe. The founding fathers of America were mainly Freemasons. Almost everywhere in the Washington DC area is filled with their symbols, secrets, and histories that they left behind for their children and fellow members, who are suppose to maintain the order of controlling the world.

When we got to the section for World Museums, I was surprised to see the Benin Empire there as well. I was so moved to tears to even see large pictures of the last three Obas (Ovonramwen, Akenzua, and Erediauwa) on the wall in Washington, DC. There were also maps of the old Empire, our bronze heads, and the history of Benin. I cried for Nigeria because WAZOBIA says that the Niger-Delta people (southerners) are minorities, they say we are insignificant in Nigeria, they say we are carvers, thieves, and prostitutes, but they Whiteman secretly differs with the slave minded and colonized WAZOBIA. Was this the attribute of the Niger-Delta people before WAZOBIA was established? It is the Blackman that has lost his soul, not the Whiteman. The Whiteman gave the Blackman lies to opening him up for exploitation, but kept the truth in his land for his children. Over 80% of Benin history was written by the Europeans out of amazement. An Empire that rivaled Portugal and England in military engagement as World powers, Kings that cold raise 100,000 men in a day for any occasion, and a throne that controlled the ports of western Africa.

Nigeria is sleeping and Benin Republic is quietly taking credit for the Bright of Benin. Even many global academia and encyclopedias are now saying Republic of Benin was the ancient Benin Empire, but WAZOBIA does not care. It does not promote the WAZOBIA control of Nigeria. Tomorrow, just like Egypt has totally laid claim to the Suez Canal against European wish, the international community will give the Bright of Benin to Benin Republic when it is time to start making billions of dollars in trade at those western African ports. Then, Nigeria will sit and wonder what happened like in the case of losing Lake Chad and Bakassi Peninsula to its neighbors. Do you know that Asaba was supposed to be the first capital of Nigeria? Benin did not let the British settle there. Why is it that in 1997, the British came to the same Benin to commemorate the conquest of Benin in 1897? Was Benin the only place that was conquered in Nigeria and in Africa during the British Exploration of the world? When Queen Elizabeth II came to Nigeria in the 1956, did she come to see WAZOBIA, Ooni of Ife, Sultan of Sokoto, or the Oba of Benin? A sick man will never be healed until he first agrees that he is sick and needs treatment. The Whitman knows where the head of the Blackman is in Nigeria, but he has help to set WAZOBIA up so that Nigeria can cut of his own head.

What is WAZOBIA compared to the ancient established thrones and orders of Europe in world polity? Where was WAZOBIA before the coming of the Whiteman? WAZOBIA is a slave and colonial creation that has given Nigeria nothing but inflation, devaluation of our currency, lack of global respect, military rule, corruption, disregard for human rights, and total break down of the Nigerian nation. It is time for a spiritual, historical, and drastic change in the leadership of Nigeria. Let the true descendants of the empire builders that Europe and America still reckons with build Nigeria once again. It is evident to me that the only group of people in Nigeria that traditionally does not regards the Whiteman as anything or can stand up and make demands that the world will respect are still around, but do not have the number to win elections. The Whiteman knows this and will do whatever it takes to keep WAZOBIA in office in Nigeria. There is always a difference between the man who wears the crown and the man who has a crown that fell on his head.

The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

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