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Aimiuwu, E. (2016). Web Content: A Case Study of Monetization of an Online Home-Based Business, Journal of International Business Education, 11, 183-196.
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This case study is for college students in an e-commerce or business strategy class who are interested in studying the role of social media, search engines, Google Analytics, Google AdSense, and mobile technology in building and maintaining a successful conventional website. The aim of the case is to demonstrate the value of Web content as a product and the use of online strategies for the monetization of such content. John Uyi is an online sole proprietor who runs four unrelated websites:, a cultural website;, a math tutorial website;, a website for farm animals; and, a travel website. He aims to interest his viewers in advertising on the Cultureak website, clicking on the advertisements there, and/or purchasing his books, movies, and motivational and language CDs. Based on his analytics report, John later added a Bible reading program to attract more clickers. Despite John seeing a tremendous increase in page-views for Cultureak, its income has only reached about $350 monthly. John wonders what he needs to do to increase his revenue to about $2000 monthly.
Key Findings:
Mom & Pop Online business or e-commerce websites must work on generating revenue through Web content that attracts visitors through search engines and Google advertising clicks.
Regardless of the products and services an online company sells, it must have content to attract potential customers or advertisement clickers to their website.
Facebook or the Web 2.0 environment, in this case, is not a sure way to generate revenue for conventional websites.
If an online company is not doing mass advertising of their website(s) and business, then it is the potential customer’s search for their Web content that most likely brings them to the company’s electronic storefront.
Aside from relying on Internet search engines to bring potential customers through the Web content, an online company could put the content in diverse mediums in the form of free advertising in exchange for additional e-readers or e-visitors to their website.
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