Ehi Aimiuwu
College Instructor of Business
Founder of
Get Books and CDs for Issues Relating to Students and Schools, Dating and Divorce, Marriage and Singles, Credit Cards,
Depression and Peace, Israel-Palestinian Conflict, African Languages, and Edo Movies
3 Motivational CDs & 1 Free Edofolks Book
How to find a good wife:
6 laws you must abide by in order to acquire the good wife you have always wished for
How to be an excellent student:
6 beneficial habits you must acquire that will transform you into an excellent student
How to use a credit card and erase all debts:
5 strategic steps on how a credit card can eliminate all your debts in a short time
Actual Price: 3 CDs ($45.00), 1 Book ($10.00), and Shipping & Taxes ($20.00). Total of $75.00
20% Discount
Total price : $60.00
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