Ugbowo Campus P. M. B 1154
Benin-City, Edo State. Nigeria.
University of Benin (UNIBEN) Staff School was founded in 1972 and the first head of school (Headmistress) was Mrs. Adegoke. The motto of UNIBEN, which was also the motto for the school, was “Knowledge for Service”. The believe is that whatever knowledge you have acquired through education, skills, and experience should be used for the service of your self, family, and community.
In the early 1980s, there were three sectional heads: Mr. Erameh (Primary 4-6); Mrs. Ezomo (Primary 1-3); and Mrs. Ola (Kindergarten). The school was know for athletics, science, drama, music, and art around the city, state, and nation. The pupils were either children of UNIBEN employees (staff) or children from around the city. Some of the memorable event at the school included the inter-house sports competition amongst the houses; inter-class competitions for drama led by UNIBEN Arts students; and arts contests for students whose work was used to decorate the corridors of the school.
We had music classes where we learned many of our songs and it was led by Mr. Mensah and Mr. Akinoya. Mr. Omokhai was the Art teacher and encouraged us to make molded sculptures with old newspapers.
White House was for the teachers and Rainbow House was for Kindergarten. The pupils were in 8 houses: Blue, Brown, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, & Yellow Houses.